Zoey Evelyn: 2 months old

I realize I haven't posted in a while. I love my blog, it lets me get my thoughts out (both good and bad). In fact, I do it as much for myself as I do to let other people see what we are doing and how Zoey is growing. I've been thinking about things to blog about, but somehow the longer I go with out updating the blog the easier it is to put it further and further down on the list of importance when I have limited time to do things. So here I am, doing a little update to catch me up. It has been several weeks since I blogged and several things have happened.
My Baby Girl
Zoey is 2 months old today. She's growing so fast. She is doing fine with the formula. I worry about a few inconsistencies and overfeeding, but she remains a happy, easy-going baby girl. She is beginning to raise up on her arms when lying on her tummy. She loves to stand up and sit down. She has found her hands. She sucks on them all the time and it's cute when she goes cross-eyed while she looking at her hands. She is batting and grabbing toys. She is such a joy, I love my baby girl!
Dana Visits
At the beginning of the month Dana came down to visit. She got to meet Zoey and celebrate my birthday. Dana and Zoey got along great. We had a good weekend just hanging out. Dana also came with me to get my birthday present from Stephen...a brand new camera! I was so excited. It was fun to catch up and visit with a good friend.
Zoey's 1st Beach Trip
Zoey experienced her first visit to the beach. We had a lot of fun. It was a good temperature, it wasn't too hot or too cold. The water was a little chilly. We stuck Zoey's toes in the water and she didn't like that too much. Overall she had an okay time. She was too little to really enjoy it at all, but I was glad we could take her while we went and she could see the ocean.
Stephen gets a boo-boo

We went to see Stephen play football in his flag league with work, like we do every week. But with only a few minutes left in the game Stephen got elbowed in the eye and cut his brow open. It looks like a boxer's cut. He scared me because I thought he had damaged his eye (which would be possible because he wears glasses). Thankfully his eye was fine although we did spend the evening in the emergency room. He had to get 6 stitches and will have a scar, but otherwise he is fine.
The Knouse Family meet Zoey
That weekend we went up to Spartanburg to visit some old friends. Zoey and I went with my mom (Granny) Friday morning. We had lunch with Cathy, a friend of Mom's from a previous employer. Then we went and visited Jared, my friend from high school, and his family. They all loved seeing Zoey and it was good to visit for the afternoon.
Kat and Zoey
The McCusker Family
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Stiwinter
That weekend my high school/college friend Kat got married in Clemson. I was so glad I could be there to celebrate with her. She and Drew got to meet Zoey for the first time too. Granny was there too, so she got lots of Zoey time and Steve and I were able to visit with some old friends. Friday night we had the rehearsal and dinner then Saturday was the wedding. It was a beautiful Wedding! Zoey was so good, people kept saying they would never even know there was a baby here. That made me feel good, they all loved seeing her. It was a fun weekend getting to see everyone. Kat and Drew looked so happy!
Me and Zoey at Clemson University
Since we were in Clemson, Steve and I stopped in on the campus. I forgot how gorgeous it was...and how many hills it had. Zoey got to see it though (more like Mommy got to get a picture of her there). We didn't stay long, but it was good to see it again.
The Whole Gang at the Battery
My little family by the pineapple fountain
The next weekend Aunt Liz visited from Mass. and Ryan and Brit came down from Tenn. Everyone got to see Zoey and we all got to visit. Zoey also got her first tour of Charleston as we showed Aunt Liz around. We got some good pictures and had a blast. We walked all over, it was a good workout. It was a fun weekend!
It has been a busy month so far, but it has been lots of fun! We have seen lots of people and stayed active. Zoey is discovering things all the time. It keeps getting more and more fun.