Sunday, April 29, 2012

Proverbs (Bible in 90 Days)

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A proverb is a short, concise sentence that conveys a moral truth. Reading through proverbs is like reading a book full of fortune cookies written with the guidance of God. 

Proverbs was written mostly by King Solomon, arguably the wisest man who ever lived. His proverbs are not meant as doctrine, but as a way to pass on some of the wisdom God blessed him with to others. By following Solomon’s advice in Proverbs you learn that God is the key to wisdom and you can walk closer with him.

I personally love quotes and tid-bits of wisdom. I enjoy pretty pictures with meaningful sayings on them and reading sayings of others to uplift me. I learn and grow, but most importantly it gets me thinking and often puts my troubles into perspective. Sometimes it even makes me laugh.

Proverbs does all of that. It covers a wide range of topics: youth, family, discipline, self-control, temptation, finances, marriage, knowing God and wisdom. In fact, Solomon talks about wisdom a lot.

The funny thing about wisdom is that most people know the lesson, they have the knowledge, they just don’t apply it to life. That is where wisdom triumphs. We have to make the right choices at the right time.

God gives us these practical insights and guidelines for life so we can live a fuller, happier life closer to him.

“Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.” Proverbs 1:7

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5

“The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears her down.” Proverbs 14:1

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.” Proverbs 22:6

This is my favorite: The wife of noble character (Proverbs 31:10-31)

“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” Proverbs 31:25

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Banana Bread

 I love bread, so I decided I would try my hand at making some. The perfect recipe presented itself on the back of a Mrs. Filbert's butter package and turns out it's pretty delicious. 

You will need:
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter
1-1/4 cups sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/3 cup milk
2 medium ripe bananas, mashed
1/2 cup chopped walnuts, toasted

(I do not like nuts in my bread so I omitted that part, but then you can have banana nut bread)

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.
Also, grease a 9 x 5 x 3-inch loaf pan and set it aside.

In a mixing bowl, beat the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.

Once it looks something like this, add the eggs and vanilla extract until blended.

This is a great opportunity to get the kids in the kitchen to help. Zoey loved helping me mix all the ingredients together.

Mix the flour, baking soda and salt together in a bowl. Alternately add the flour mixture and milk until blended, beginning and ending with the flour mixture. 

Mash the bananas. (Zoey had lots of fun with this part. We used a potato masher.)

Stir in the bananas (and walnuts if you use them).

Spread the batter into the prepared load pan.

Bake 1 hour and 20 minutes (until toothpick comes out clean when inserted into the center).

Let sit for about 10 minutes and then remove from pan. 

Makes 1 loaf.

Bon Appetit!

(See also on my cooking blog Savory Joy)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Psalms (Bible in90 Days)

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We find Psalms at the center of the Bible. It is the longest book and the most beautiful. Psalms gives us a perfect example of raw emotion. It is the most honest way to worship God, expressing prayer and praise. 

King David wrote the majority of the Psalms, but the book is a collection from many others including Asaph, Solomon, Heman, Ethan and Moses. Several are anonymous. These men weren’t worried about impressing other people. They did not use clichés or common verses to communicate with God.

No, they wanted a lot more from their relationship with the Lord. They told God exactly how they felt. When times were a struggle, they prayed and poured their hearts out to God. They would confess their sins and ask for help. When times were good they would lift their hands and hearts to the Lord and tell him exactly how wonderful he is.

I have always loved the Psalms, but I appreciate them even more now that I know more of the history behind them. I can place, for the most part, what was happening and what the authors were going through when they wrote. It makes the Psalms even more wonderful.

I don’t think the Psalms were meant to be a history lesson, but the authors wrote about their struggles and triumphs, which are recorded pieces of history. Understanding how real the emotions are make the Psalms that much more powerful.

The Psalms show us the power of a true relationship with God. We can see God work through His people and the extent of his forgiveness and love. By leaving our pretenses behind and being completely honest with God we can build and maintain a deep and genuine relationship with Him. 

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Psalms are some of the most quoted scriptures from the Bible. And I have a few favorites myself that I would like to share:

“Yet I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness while I am here in the land of the living. Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.” Psalms 27:13-14

“For the Lord is my strength and shield. I trust him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in song of thanksgiving.” Psalms 28:7

“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.” Psalms 37:4

“Praise the Lord! Give thanks to the Lord, for his is good! His faithful love endures forever.” Psalms 106:1

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Job (Bible in 90 Days)

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Job is a hard book to read, but it is also very insightful. It is all about pain and suffering, even to good people. Job, a man of God, provides a blueprint of how to act when things aren’t going well—to keep our faith in God no matter how we are tested. 

The book of Job is one of the rare instances where the fourth wall is removed and we see a glimpse of a conversation between Satan and God (Job 1: 6-12).

Satan challenges that Job, a faithful servant of God, is only loyal to God because he is in good fortune. God rebukes Satan saying that even with no family, riches or good health, Job would still keep complete integrity. In the end, Job proved God right.

God allowed Satan to strike Job’s possessions, children, livestock, servants and wealth. When that didn’t work, Satan was also given permission to harm Job physically as long as it wasn’t lethal. Through all the hardships Job did not blame God and remained faithful. 

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Job had a sturdy foundation. Despite losing his children, possessions and health, he was still able to say God is enough. Even when others rebuked Job and told him to turn back to God, he refused because he was right with God and he knew it. It takes an amazing amount of faith and trust to live that way. It is a great lesson to all of us on how to act to please the Lord.

The book of Job shows the meaning of true faith of God’s love and also God’s sovereignty. We also learn that the answer to why righteous people suffer is to see how you respond and to prove to the Devil that God is enough.

At the end of the story, Job proved his faithfulness and God restored him and gave him even more than he previously had. I don’t ask for suffering, but I would love the Lord to say this about me:

“Then the Lord asked Satan, “Have you noticed my servant Job? He is the finest man in all the earth. He is blameless—a man of complete integrity. He fears God and stays away from evil. And he has maintained his integrity, even though you urged me to harm him without cause.” Job 2:3

I really enjoy the book of Job. There is a lot to learn from it on many levels. I did an in depth study a few years ago. Perhaps after this endeavor is completed I will revisit Job.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Grow Seeds Grow

We are a little late getting our garden started this year, so we are taking the opportunity to start from seeds. I figured this would be a good chance to show Zoey where our vegetables come from and how plants grow. It's amazing how so many everyday projects provide great opportunities to learn.

Stephen got me this awesome seed starting greenhouse kit. It has dirt pellets that expand to fill the containers. Then you sew the seed and the climate of the kit helps it grow.

Zoey had a lot of fun playing with the dirt. She helped me get the soil to expand and fill up each spot in the kit.

When we were finished it looked like this. We spread the soil out to make the entire tray even. Next we planted the seeds. Zoey got a little carried away and we ended up with more seeds in the tray than we needed, but she understood what we were doing, which made me very excited.

Next we watered the seeds. The only thing better than playing with dirt to a kid is being able to play with dirt and water. She did very well and poured the water into her watering can to sprinkle over our seeds.

In the end, this is what our greenhouse seeds looked like. I'm really excited about getting the garden started. I think Zoey is going to be a big helper in the garden this year. She was interested and helpful last year. This year she is going to learn so much. I'm glad we have the space and time to teach her these concepts so young. And we get to eat the produce, which is the best thing of them all.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Esther (Bible in 90 Days)

Esther’s story would sell well as a best-selling novel in this day and age. It has it all: drama, power lust, romance, plot twists and suspense. The crazy part—it is a true story. Sometimes real life is more surprising than fiction.
Esther is proof that women can change history and play a large part in a Christian world. It was her courage to stand up and confront the king that saved her people.

I also think it is important to note about Esther is that she was a likable person. She was kind and lovable, which is why King Xerxes chose her to be his queen. Her actions to trust her cousin Mordecai and God and save her people make her one of my favorites in the Bible.

Esther also teaches that God makes a way and is constantly working in our lives. God puts the puzzle pieces in place to achieve His will, we just have to choose whether or not to play our part:

“If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will rise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?” Esther 4:14

Esther became Queen, possibly for this specific moment. She made favor with the king because Esther was the kind of person he would stop and listen to. Also, Mordecai was an honest government official who foiled an assassination plot, but not getting rewarded. All of these aspects come together at one pivotal moment where Esther decides it is worth risking the king’s wrath and possibly her own life to save the lives of her family and her people.

The other thing Esther 4:14 describes is that if Esther did not step up, it would not have been the end of the Jews, only her family and many others. If one person does not choose to act in God’s timing He will find a way—you are the only one missing out.

Esther is a beautiful story full of drama and learning moments. Pay attention to how God is working in your life and have courage to take action when the time is right—God will be with you.

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Thank you Veggie Tales for making the story, once again, come to life.

Friday, April 20, 2012

One Week Completed (Couch to 5K)

Today completes week one of my couch to 5K challenge! Hooray!!!

I thought it would be horrible, but really ended awesome. I still am not very good at running, but like most things it is just mind over matter. I learned the proper techniques of running and decided I could do it. And I did.

Today's run was the best yet. I pushed myself a little bit since it was the last run of the week. Instead of going around the not quite one mile loop, I went down the next street and turned around after a good distance. It ended up being 1.35 miles. I kept thinking I wasn't going to make it home and then I would start running again. I surprised myself with how well I did. I wasn't even about to hyperventilate by the time I reached home.

I realized the other thing that has changed between this time attempting to run and previous times is that I do yoga (not quite consistently). The point is that I have learned to breath better; to take deeper breaths the fill up my entire lung instead of shallow breaths.

After just one week (three runs) I have managed to make it 1/3 of the distance I need to in a relatively good time. There is hope for completing this race in October. Granted I'm not running the whole time, I'm running then walking, running then walking. However, the point is to finish the distance, it doesn't matter so much how you get there.

I am very proud of myself this week. I accomplished step one in my goal. And I feel great.

4.20.12: 1.35 miles in 24:29 minutes at an average speed of 3.3mph.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Nehemiah (Bible in 90 Days)

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Nehemiah was a man of action. He did not sit around and complain about something that needed to be done, he stood up and did it. The walls around Jerusalem were rumble. In that time, the walls of a city was its protection and defined its character. It was important to fix them, and soon. Nehemiah understood this and felt deeply about the project, so he left a responsible position in the Persian government to go to Jerusalem and lead the rebuild. Why? Because he knew God could use his talents to complete the task—so he went.

However, before Nehemiah did anything—he prayed:

“When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven.” Nehemiah 1:4

Action is important, but if you are going to act wisely and succeed in your mission you need God’s help. Stopping to pray is not a waste of time, in fact, it is the most important time of all. Begin a project in prayer and then be ready for action.

Just like with building the temple, there was opposition and fear from others about rebuilding the wall, but Nehemiah was one step ahead. He said:

“Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes.” Nehemiah 4:4

Nehemiah trusted the Lord and he had a plan to post lookouts around the city, just in case trouble stirred. It is important to believe and sometimes also to watch your back.

After the wall was finished, it was time to worship. Ezra read the law, and they celebrated in a way they hadn’t seen in many, many years.

“Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is sacred to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10
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 As the Israelites separated themselves from foreigners and confess their sins, the Levites stood up to say:

“Stand up and praise the Lord your God, who is from everlasting to everlasting. Blessed by your glorious name, and may it be exalted above all blessings and praise. You alone are the Lord. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything and the multitudes of heaven worship you.” Nehemiah 9:5-6

Then the people agree to seven resolutions to their life right with God (Nehemiah 10: 28-39)
1.      Not to marry foreigners (unbelievers)
2.      Keep the Sabbath as a holy day
3.      Assume responsibility of providing offerings
4.      Cast lots to regularly bring wood to the alter for sacrifice
5.      Offer the first fruits of crops
6.      Dedicate firstborn sons and cattle
7.      Tithe to the Temple

“We will not neglect the house of our God.” Nehemiah 10:39

I love this verse:

“Because they had not met Israelites with food and water but had hired Balaam to call a curse down on them (Our God, however, turned the curse into a blessing.)” Nehemiah 13:2

God can turn curses into blessings. Hallelujah! And this statement is simply a side-note because God is almighty and can do anything. That is a beautiful take away from this book. Only God can turn curses into blessings.

Preschool Days

I am beginning a homeschool preschool with Zoey. She is already understanding and learning so much, I want to challenge her in fun ways so she enjoys learning all kinds of new things.

I will update on it periodically to keep track of what we are learning and Zoey's progress.

So far, Zoey already knows her alphabet, her numbers 1-12 and her shapes. We are working on colors and writing. I am also including bible stories into the curriculum. As well as puzzles, and other useful life knowledge.

She is having a blast learning, coloring, crafting and playing. I am very thankful that I have the opportunity to stay home with Zoey and teach her during these fundamental learning years.

Day 1: (First Week) 

I used coloring sheets to help visualize the Creation story in the bible. We learned days 1-3: how God created light and darkness, separated the waters and the sky and separated the water from land.

Zoey enjoyed drawing and creating her own adventures.


Zoey loves to cut. She is fine-tuning it, but she is getting the basic skill down. She is beginning to use one hand to control the scissors. I figure she will do better and better as she gets strength built up in her hand. 

Zoey enjoyed writing her name. She can already say it and spell it. She got the "o" and the "y" very well. The "e" became for of an "o" and the "z" was colored in. I am exciting that she finds this exercise enjoyable, especially since she realizes that it is her name.

Zoey loves glue. The project was to put the sun, moon and stars onto the paper with the quote "God made the Sun, Moon and Stars."

I was actually pretty impressed with her creativity when she turned the pieces into a smiley face.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Couch to 5K

So it looks like I am going to run a 5K in October. If you know me at all you are now looking at me with a crazy "who are you and what have you done with Amanda" look because I HATE to run. However, I need to get off my butt and excercise consistently so--I'm running a 5K in October.

It wasn't even really my idea. One of my best friends called me up last week and basically said, "I'm going to ask you something and I want you to say yes." She told me about what is called the "Color Run" and wanted me to run it with her. "It will be fun" she said.

Fun. Right.

But, I have heard about the "Color Run" and it sounds awesome! Basically, you run the 3.1 miles and at different checkpoints you get doused in color. By the end of the race you are covered in colors and then it's time to start really having fun.

I decided that if I have a fun goal with a set date I would follow through in my exercise (even if it is running). It will also help that (in theory) I will have several people doing this run with me. It will be a great time and a chance to catch up with people I haven't seen in years.

Stephen laughed at me because he's been trying to get me to run for two years (since he started running) and I have no reason why I haven't started yet. But I am starting now and that is what matters. I have no idea how it will go, but I will run the 5K in October whether I'm ready or not, so hopefully I get ready.

I am starting the "Couch to 5K" program this week. Apparently the trick is to start out slow. I can definitely do that.

I've run twice so far this week. A pretty good start if you ask me. I intend to run again on Friday (since Stephen  is running a 5K tomorrow evening and I won't be able to get out and run without Zoey).

The second run was a lot better than the first like I figured, but I was surprised by how much better. I even skipped a day in between. The second day was faster with longer strides. And even though the distance in the stats are off, I ran the same look both days so it is about a miles both runs.

Here are the stats:

Monday 4.16.12: .97 miles in 18:59 minutes at an average speed of 2.6 mph.
Wednesday 4.18.12: .89 miles in 15:56 minutes at an average speed of 2.9 mph.

I'll try to keep you updated (more like myself accountable).

Wordless Wednesday: Andy McKee Live From Georgia

Andy McKee Live From Georgia

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Meet Zeus

We actually got Zeus a few weeks ago, but life has been crazy since then and I haven't properly introduced him on this blog.

Zeus is a lab mix. We got him at 9 weeks. He was born to an older dog and was the only puppy to survive from his litter. That makes him very special to us and to his previous owner.

He is a very good puppy, naturally curious, quick to learn and very ready to play.

Zoey loves her "baby puppy" and plays with him well.

Eli and Zeus quickly became a pack. Eli needed a friend as much as Zoey did and they have all been getting along great. Eli helps Zeus learn to fight and play. Even Zoey is learning to command and take care of the puppy.

It is so much fun to grow and learn together. Having pets is a wonderful learning experience for Zoey and us all.

Zeus, welcome to the family!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Ezra (Bible in 90 Days)

I don’t really know much about Ezra. He doesn’t seem to win the spotlight in bible lessons on Sunday Morning. However, after reading his story, I’m amazed. I want to know much more about the man of God.

Ezra’s entire life was devoted to God. He was a priest, a scribe and a great leader. To make him even more perfect his name means “help.” And that’s exactly what he did, he helped people. He wrote several books of the bible and led a council to compile the Old Testament canon. Ezra taught the people of Israel about God and led them back to a holy lifestyle with God in the center.

When the Israelites came back home it was a fresh start. They came to rebuild the Temple to God and rededicate their lives to him. As they began to build alters and temple foundations the local occupants temporarily halted the project with accusations and rumors. The prophets encouraged the people and try to clear confusion until finally King Darius decrees the Temple to be finishes. And it was.

This is a very good description of Ezra:
“For Ezra had devoted himself to study and observance of the Law of the Lord, and to teaching its decrees and laws in Israel.” Ezra 7:10

Ezra knew the law because de devoted his life to studying it. But more importantly, he followed it. He became a great leader and taught the Israelites how to be better people. When he found out about their sins and disobedience, he was deeply touched and led the people back to God.

Ezra is a man to follow. Strive to be like him—a humble, obedient server who commits his life entirely to God.

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Friday, April 13, 2012

1 & 2 Chronicles (Bible in 90 Days)

I’m combining these two books. When I set out the read the entire bible, I figured if I could get through the Books of Law (Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) I would enjoy the rest. I was wrong, but only on this one account. I had a hard time reading the Chronicles, for the main reason being that it literally recapped everything I just read starting with Adam and in detail since King David. I know repetition is good, but it also gets boring.
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The Chronicles were written by the prophet Ezra to unify the Israelites as they returned from Babylonian captivity. He also traces David’s family line. Ezra tries to teach the people through history why God should be at the center of each of their lives as well as the nation as a whole. He also shows the importance of worship. He tries to show the correct and incorrect ways of acting by using examples of good and bad kings of the past.

One beautiful verse that stands out for me:

“Give thanks to the Lord, for his is good; his love endures forever.” 1 Chronicles 16:34

Second Chronicles ends with Jerusalem in ruins after a 70 year exile in Babylon. The new king of Persia, Cyrus, fulfills the word of the Lord spoken by Jeremiah to send people back to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple for the Lord. 

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Andy McKee in Concert

 We went to see Andy McKee in concert at The Melting Point in Athens, GA a few weeks ago. It was amazing! Andy McKee is an acoustic guitarist with smooth, percussion sound. At one point he had the top three most viewed videos on YouTube. His most famous song is "Drifing." It was amazing to see him play live and feel the music. Stephen and I had a great time together.

The best part is the story behind our going in the first place. At the end of last year Andy McKee sent out an S.O.S because he saved over his wife's Skyrim (a video game you put long hours into) file. It was Stephen who sent him the fix for the file. Andy said Stephen "saved his life." In return, Andy gave up guest passes to see his show in Athens, GA (the closest he was coming to us this tour.) We accepted with great enthusiasm. 

During the encore on stage, Andy actually calls out Stephen's name and finds him in the crowd (not hard to do, it was a small venue and we were on the second row). It was a perfect moment! 

After the show we were able to talk with Andy and Antoine Durfour (another amazing acoustic guitarist who opened for Andy). We got to shake their hands and get an awesome picture. To make things even better, Andy wanted a picture for himself of he and Stephen (probably to show his wife). It was so surreal. 

The whole evening was a special treat for Stephen and I. We hadn't had a true date night in a while and this was beyond amazing. It also marked our first night away together leaving Zoey with Granny and Pops overnight for the first time. It went really well for everyone. Zoey was good and we were able to enjoy a night out. We ate a delicious dinner and walked around Athens. It was a beautiful night in every aspect.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Best Days of My Life

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I am the kind of person who enjoys constantly moving. This doesn't always mean I never sit down, but I love to keep my mind active. I love to play games, research ideas, write, read and do puzzles, all to give me something to do. So when I sit in the floor with my 2 year old and build and rebuild the same towers over and over again, I get bored. And then I feel bad about being bored.

It's a vicious cycle really. I love to play with her, but I sort of lull off after a while. But today I realized something as I watched Zoey make her blocks come to life...

These are the best days of my life!

Today is not anything special, it's not even a particularly great day, but these moments are priceless. If I were to die tomorrow I would not miss the puzzle I did or the dishes in the sink. However, I would miss my daughter's laugh and the way she builds towers to rescue a friend from the top.

This is what I thought about as I sat in the floor with my daughter. I could get up and read or write and honestly that's exactly what I want to do. And yet, I stayed on the floor for almost an hour playing and imagining with Zoey and her blocks. It's even nice, with this perspective, to just sit, listen to music and be together.

I pray, quite often actually, that I live a long, healthy life and to watch Zoey grow up. However, even if that prayer does happen, Zoey will not be young forever and I will want to remember all of the little moments we spend together building towers and watching them fall.

One thing I have come to realize in my "old" age, is that we aren't going to be around forever and things always change. I want to use the good china now, I want to wear that special piece of jewelry just because, I want to use all the crayons and eat the good chocolate. I don't want to wait until tomorrow because you never know what tomorrow has in store.

I hope I can teach these thoughts to Zoey. I want to live life with no regret. I want to reach out an grab life, not try to survive it.

Do I always feel this strongly about this? No. Sometimes I don't even want to get out of bed. Nonetheless, the thought is always there in the back of my mind, often motivating me to get up and do more.

So the point is--go live the best days of your life. Because that day is happening right now.

Wordless Wednesday: Pure Joy

Pure Joy

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Our Easter

Easter was honestly a trying day. My stomach hurt for a good bit of the day and we (I mean Stephen) buried our kitty, Creampuff.

Zoey had a great time digging in her Easter basket. She found a Diego DVD, Dora panties, a big dinosaur coloring book and crayons, peeps, a chocolate bunny, a bear friend, stickers and plastic eggs with candy surprises in them. At least I think that's it. The Easter bunny was very kind to her.

We also colored eggs. Zoey had lots of fun with that. She looks like a little scientist as she studies how they change color and mixing colors yield brand new colors. Turns out coloring eggs is a fun science experiment as well as lots of fun.

We had bacon, eggs and homemade biscuits for brunch and grilled chicken with mashed potatoes and green beans for dinner. As always, Zoey enjoyed helping me in the kitchen and cooking the eggs.

Over all it was a good day. At least we were able to spend time together as a family, that is the most important thing.