Monday, September 30, 2013

Wordless Wednesday *Linky* Green Hopper

It's good to be green!

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God Turns Barriers Into Paths - Exodus 14:21

Exodus 14:21 -- "Then Moses raised his hand over the sea, and the Lord opened up a path through the water with a strong east wind. The wind blew all that night, turning the seabed into dry land."

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The Israelites have just witnessed ten horrible plagues brought onto Egypt by God who would deliver His people from bondage. They have run away following Moses only to be cornered between the Red Sea and the Egyptian army chasing them. They felt trapped and sure of their demise. However, God had another plan.

God told Moses to raise his hand over the sea and He would make a way for His people. Moses often gets credit for parting the Red Sea, but it was God who made it possible. Where the people saw a barrier, God saw a path. When we put ourselves in God's hands, we allow Him turn our barriers into paths. The walls holding us in our bondage now become the gateway to escape.

What is your Red Sea? What barrier do you feel like you cannot break through that holds you, feeling tapped and hopelessly in bondage? From God's perspective, that barrier is not permanent. That wall is not as strong as you think it is. God is above everything in this world and He will make a way for you - He can turn your barrier into your path to freedom.

Dear Lord,
I pray that you turn my barrier into my path. There are so many ways to get caught up in bondage and to feel trapped and hopeless. But with You Lord, there is always hope and You always make a way. Help me today to begin to see that wall not as the permanent fixture I usually do, but as a hurtle to overcome on my way to freedom and peace. Amen.

I shared a wall that I faced not to long ago. I am reminded of that moment when reading this scripture. Read about it HERE and how the Lord helped be begin to make that barrier into a path.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Jude (Bible in 90 Days)

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Jude was the brother of Jesus and James. He writes this letter to Jewish Christians to remind the church of the importance to keep strong in faith and to oppose false teachings. This was during a time of great opposition for Christians because many had begun to twist God's words and deceive those who were committed to follow God's Son Jesus Christ.

Jude's message was simple - opposition will come and false teachers will rise up, but Christians should "defend the faith."

Jude 1:3 -- "Dear friends, I had been eagerly planning to write to you about the salvation we all share. But now I find that I must write about something else, urging you to defend the faith that God has entrusted once for all time to his holy people."

Jude then goes on to give practical ways to accomplish this mission. First, is to reject all falsehood and immorality:

Jude 1:18-19 -- "They told you that in the last times there would be scoffers whose purpose in life is to satisfy their ungodly desires. These people are the ones who are creating divisions among you. They follow their natural instincts because they do not have God’s Spirit in them."

Second, is to build up your own faith through prayer:

Jude 1:20 -- "But you, dear friends, must build each other up in your most holy faith, pray in the power of the Holy Spirit."

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He also speaks of keeping Christ close, helping others and hating sin. But most importantly, to praise God, the I Am, and give Him all the glory, for even in persecution there is hope and there is life.

Jude 1:24-25 -- "Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault. All glory to him who alone is God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord. All glory, majesty, power, and authority are his before all time, and in the present, and beyond all time! Amen."

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This letter was written in 65 AD, but it has encouragement that we still need to hear today. There are still false teaching and ones who twist God's words in the world we know today. Standing firm against opposition and keeping your faith strong is a choice. You choose to learn the truth through God's word or to reject it. You choose to spend time in prayer to know your Creator personally or you turn your back on His grace and mercy. When you know God, you will know who stands against God, no matter how big their church smile is.

It is a choice to determine that God's truth is more valuable than anything else. What do you choose?
 Tales From A Mother - Daily Devotionals 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Follow Jesus - Mark 10:21

Mark 10:21 -- "Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”
I'm going to be honest, materialism is something God is constantly working with me on. I like to have things. I like to save things in case I ever need or want them again. We give things away to help other in need, but there is a lot more coming in than going out. Maybe you can relate?

One thing I refuse to let go of are my scrapbooks. I have several huge 12x12 scrapbooks that weight at least five pounds each. They only fit on one shelf in the entire house because they are so big. But, I put so much work into them and they are some of my most precious memories.

However, what can I really take with me? They would be difficult to move and I surely can't take them when I go to heaven. I like to think my daughter will keep them and treasure them as I do, but only God knows that.

But sometimes I wonder, do I treasure my scrapbook filled with colorful paper and pictures of the past more than I treasure God? Do I hold these memories and things I have done in a higher regard than I hold my Creator, my Comforter and my Protector? Now that is a hard question.

Thankfully, at least right now, I feel no conviction to do anything drastic like getting rid of my scrapbooks. However, I do feel convicted to think over and analyze what these possessions really mean to me and if they effect my faith. 

Jesus tells a good man that he lacks only one thing -- Jesus Himself. Jesus tells the man to sell everything to the poor and follow Him.

Is it wrong to have stuff? No. However, there is a problem when all that stuff distracts you from what really matters -- God. The stuff won't save you when you are in trouble or comfort you when you are lonely and sad or protect you from evil, no matter how much you have. The more stuff you have, the more distractions there are and more falsely secure you feel. Unfortunately, the more stuff we have, the more you look to that to save you than to God who can save you.

For some it is not material things, but TV shows or golfing or going out or shopping or new electronics or cars or a number of other things. You know what distracts you from God. If you don't know, ask God, He knows what is keeping you from Him. Pray for Him to show you. It is hard to let those things go, but the rewards are miraculous. When you can seek out God instead of stuff, then you will lack nothing.

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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Confidence in Approaching God - Hebrews 4:16

Hebrews 4:16 -- "Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."

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God does not want us to live in fear -- to be afraid of the world or of Him. God wants respect and for you to chose to love Him. God is there for you no matter what you do or think because He loves you. God loves you unconditionally, despite yourself, your attitude or your mistakes.

God wants us to feel confident in coming to Him with anything. No matter how big and impossible or how small and insignificant it seems to you, God desires a relationship with you, a confident, lasting, strong relationship.

He wants to know us, but more importantly, He wants us to want Him to know us. When you can confidently come to God about anything you can receive His mercy and grace, not only when you ask it, but through a relationship with Him, He will also give you His resources when you need them the most.

God can always work in and through us to better situations. However, when we confidently open our hearts to Him and believe He can and does work miracles, we release all of our limitations of His magnificence allowing Him to work in a way we could not have known before.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Opposition means Opportunity - 1 Corinthians 16:9

1 Corinthians 16:9 -- "Because a great door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many who oppose me."

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Have you ever had that moment that you are on fire for God? You are ready and waiting to see His hand work in your life and instead of everything getting better, everything that could go wrong does?

I have, often. And it is really discouraging.

But do you know why this happens? Because there is a spiritual war going on. Every time you begin to accept your authority in Christ and begin to definitively side with that of Go, Satan attacks you with extra forces.

This can get really discouraging because you begin to believe that nothing good can possibly come out of this situation. On the contrary, it often means that extraordinary things are happening in your life and the lives of those around you. However, we tend to focus on all of the things going wrong - the enemy's work - instead of all the things going right and the lives that are positively changing - God's work.

The devil wants us to get discouraged and live in apathy. When we believe are not affecting anyone we become unaffective. And then the enemy succeeds in his ploy.

With great opposition comes great opportunity. When you feel thwarted in your quest to do good in the name of the Lord, just keep working in faith and keep praying for strength and endurance to over come the trials before you. The best part is that we already stand in victory beside Jesus Christ. The war has already been won; however, we are still fighting the battles.

Stay faithful and keep your heart open to what the Lord is doing around you. You will be amazed by the things big and small happening in your life and the lives of those around you.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Wordless Wednesday *Linky* Go Fly a Kite

Tales From A Mother - Wordless Wednesday

Link up and join in the Wordless Wednesday fun!
 Tales From A Mother - Daily Devotionals 

Sharing the Good News - Acts 20:24

Acts 20:24 -- "However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace."

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When Jesus walked the earth and was then crucified as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins, everything changed. Jesus became the bridge to God that humanity was missing before. God no longer had to dwell in human made temples, now He can dwell in God-made humans -- in you and in me.

This is Good News!

When we invite Jesus to come into our heart, it is not a trivial occurrence. It is a power that can and will change your life.

Jesus began something great while He walked the earth - He shared more about who God is, His judgment, His mercy, but most of all, His love.

When we live for Christ, His mission becomes our mission - to spread the Good News of God's grace. Our ultimate purpose is to love God and to love others. There are many unique ways God calls us to fulfill that purpose, some are close to home and others are in unknown lands, some are public figures and leaders and others in the quiet of their own home.

No matter where God has called you to serve, your purpose is the same - to receive the light God shines on you and let it shine over others. You will find no greater peace or joy than when you align your purpose with His purpose for you.

Monday, September 23, 2013

God is Love - 1 John 4:8

1 John 4:8 -- "But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love."

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We live in a fallen and broken world. It can lead to stressful, overwhelming, and frustrating moments, days, months and even years. However, there is hope, even in the darkest circumstances - God's love.

When we feel beaten down by the world, it is easy to last out in anger or spite. But when our response is hate, it eliminates God's love from shining and bringing hope to your life, which can greatly affect your attitude in a positive way.

Where there is no love, there is no God. When we chose arguing, revenge and anger we are refusing God to be able to work in the situation. If you do not know love, you do not truly know God, because God is love.

When we let God's love overwhelm us in stressful and frustrating moments, He can change our outlook for good, giving us the patience and clarity to understand what God is doing, for He does all for good and even more importantly, He loves you.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Change From the Inside Out

Many times we get a revelation from God or ask Him into our hearts initially and we immediately want to see changes. This need for instant gratification is a human response -- God knows that true change takes time.

Perhaps you decide to try to actively grow closer to God. So you sign up to greet at church and to work in the preschool ministry and to give food to sick and for other needs. All the time you expect to get closer to God. Sound familiar? It is exactly what I did.

However, what happens? If you haven't experiences this disappointment and time of being completely overwhelmed and exhausted, I will tell you from experience, it does not get you any closer to God. All it does is wear you out physically and mentally and stretch you too thin. All the while, God still feels distant.

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You see, we tend to try to earn God's love and His time by doing things we think will please Him, like working in ministries. But, our Bible is still dusty and unopened, perhaps only a prop which you bring to church and open when the pastor calls for it - now where is Hebrews in the Bible again?

If you are like me, you know in your head that you can't earn God's love, but my actions prove otherwise. We want to get close to God so we do something, but there is something more important to do first.

Psalms 46:10 -- "He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” [emphasis mine]

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When we want to change, we tend to start on the outside -- the part that people see. We subconsciously, maybe even consciously, want others to know, to see, that we are changing to make us feel better about ourselves. But this is superficial. It's like putting on perfume instead of taking a shower, or painting over holes in the wall instead of filling them in -- the truth comes out eventually. If you don't get to the heart of the matter, it will never truly change.

Matthew 15:18 -- "But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them."

I did this fairly recently with an issue of confidence. I put on (figuratively) a painted war mask so no one saw my worry or fear. I would approach people with bravery, even though I was shaking inside. I thought if I could just prove I looked courageous, I would feel courageous. The opposite happened. I began to feel weaker and less in control because my outside no longer matched my inside. I tried to put a band-aid on my problem, on my fears, instead of going to God, instead of receiving a true fix.

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I would love to say that the end of that story was that I realized my mistake, went to God and found my confidence in everything I did. That is not how the story goes, at least so far. I realized my mistake and went to God. Then He reminded me of how the enemy works and how He only want to steal, kill and destroy. However, God want us to have a fulfilled and joyful life.

John 10:10 -- "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

God doesn't want us to feel insecure or unloved or depressed, but we do. And when I was challenged about my confidence issues again I would love to say that I talked the enemy down and rose victorious in the name of Jesus. Again, I failed. I broke down and cried asking God why people are so cruel. His response to me was to remind me that he is in control of everything, even the evil. And that through Him we have the strength to overcome any evil.

Philippians 4:13 -- " I can do all this through him who gives me strength."

If your curiosity is peaked, or if you are going through something similar, I wrote more about this situation and what I learned in a previous post called Overcoming Naysayers and Strongholds.

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No matter how much we want to change, no matter what we try to do, if we don't take the time to communicate with God it is only superficial change and will not last. Even when we are communicating with God through prayer, quiet time and spending time in God's Word, it still takes time to truly change.

James 1:2-3 -- "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance."

God does not expect us to change overnight, and neither should we. We must take the time, make the sacrifice, and endure the trials to really see change. James says to "consider it pure joy" when we face struggles because it is only at the other end of them that we can look at ourselves and see change. This is how we gain a stronger connection with God. Change happens from the inside out.

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Dear Lord,
I know I am a mess, but please turn me into a message. I am going through a test, please help me endure to create a testimony. I cannot change in a day, but Lord please guard and guide my thoughts and actions to stay aligned with your will. I know things, but Lord help me to keep your perspective and enter into those avenues with a humble heart. Help me to reach out to others and advance Your Kingdom, not just so people can see what I am doing. Help me to get to know you more and walk with Your light shinning in the darkness around me. Help me to change from the inside out. Amen.

 Tales From A Mother - Daily Devotionals 

Friday, September 20, 2013

God Will Help You - Psalm 37:5

Psalm 37:5 -- "Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you."

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God  wants to help you, in whatever situation you are in. If you reach out to Him with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength, He will respond. However, be prepared, it may not come in the way you think it will. In fact, it probably won't.

I have a friend who was ready and excited to have a fourth child. However, her husband was hesitant, he was perfectly content with their three girls. They didn't let the situation escalate, instead, they stopped and prayed together and independently asking God what was in His will for their family. My friend was sure that God would change the heart of her husband so they could have another child. But after committing to prayer and trusting God for the answer, she found it was her heart that was changed. She found herself satisfied with her children and new it was time to be content with the blessings God had already given them. You see, she knew in her heart that God was working in the lives of her family. Her answer wasn't what she expected, but God did give her an answer, even though that answer is sometimes a "no." However, God was walking with her and helping her through this struggle of her heart.

A lot of times when we ask God for help we think we know what will make the situation better, we just wait in anticipation for it to manifest. However, what we don't see is the greater perspective, God's eternal perspective. God has a purpose for all of us, we simply have to trust Him to work in us and in those around us.

By committing to the Lord and trusting in His purpose for us, we allow Him to do miraculous things in and through us.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Attitude in Actions - Psalm 37:5

Psalm 37:5 -- "Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you."

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We must turn our minds and our hearts over to God, but we must also let Him guide our actions. Our thoughts control our actions so we must give all of ourselves to the Lord.

Many Christians try really hard to do good for the Lord. But it is important to "do" for the right reasons -- to honor God and lift up His name. Not so Jane Doe can congratulate you for helping out. God is not interested in social cliche or personal agendas. He will work despite them, but they do not bring Him glory. God has a plan and He will see it through, even if He has to work around you.

When we work because we think it is the right thing to do or someone asked us to is not always a good enough reason. God calls each of us to use our spiritual gifts in different ways, to be obedient in His calling. When we do works with the right heart God can make miraculous things happen. 

When we stand in a spot to fill a space, only going through the motions, we can hinder God from working in the hearts of those around us. Because God cannot work through us He cannot work in the hearts of those around us. That is a great loss for God's kingdom. 

It is a heart issue. If you are doing what you do because you love God and want His light to shine around you, then you are doing wonderful things for the Lord. I encourage you to honor God today and open yourself up to His love so you can share it with everyone around you. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Give it All to God - Psalm 37:5

Psalm 37:5 -- "Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you."

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When we begin to commit and trust God we start to hand Him over the concerns of our heart. But to allow Him to work completely in our lives we have to give all to Him.

Our tendency, and I know this well, is to say "here God, I'm commiting this to you and I trust you to help me." And in that moment we mean it. But when we turn around we carry part or all of our concern with us. We give it to God, but we still hold onto it as well and it continues to control us.

We have to commit everything to the Lord and let Him keep it. You will never find peace through the Lord if you don't trust Him to provide it.

It will not happen all at once. When you realize you are holding onto a concern, a judgement, unforgiveness, doubt, or whatever it is -- give it to Him again and again. Each time you turn around you will have less with you and when you give it over again, you will have less still. One day you will realize you brough nothing back, that you gave it all to God. Trust Him and the next worry, concern or whatever, will be easier to let go of, giving it fully to Him quicker.

Committing everything to God, trusting Him fully, will change your life. You will discover a peace you never knew was possible before. A peace that is only possible through the Lord our God who loves and protects us.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Trust in the Lord - Psalm 37:5

Psalm 37:5 -- "Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you."

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Trust does not come naturally to most. We tend to be wary of promises and good will, wondering what's the catch. However, the Lord will not retract promises or betray you, He can't, He is truth.

When we spend our quiet moments restless, full of doubts and fears, we are unable to find peace. We are then also unable to help others effectively. It is through our trust in God that our minds become quiet. It is knowing God is in control of all and that He does everything for good that we can rest in Him and find rest.

Romans 8:28 -- "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them."

Trusting wholly in God does not happen in an instant. Like any strong relationship, it takes time and experience together to build a true foundation of trust. However, God has the time and is willing to give it to you. Do you have the time? Are you willing to give yourself to Him? Trust begins with a choice, a decision to give yourself over to God so He can show you His mercy and His love again and again.