Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rainy days and Wednesdays

It has been raining on and off ALL day! It's not so good because we are cooped up in the house with not motivation to go any where, especially since our park adventures are rained out. However, this is much needed rain and our garden is looking awesome! Even the droopy cucumber plants are standing straight up thanks to all the rain.

So, I'm going to get the yucky part out of the way first. Well, today I felt yucky. This morning was pretty good, Zoey and I played and I felt fine, though a little tired. However, after a much needed nap (thank you to the heavy rain for putting me to sleep so quickly) I felt yucky. (Sorry for the TMI...) I woke up with my whole stomach/female areas feeling really tender. It wasn't pain really, just uncomfortable. The spotting has turned into a continuous bleeding. I'm not letting it worry me too much, I'm hoping it is just break through bleeding. It is a little heavier, but I still consider it light to light-moderate. My periods usually last an average of 4 days, so as long as it doesn't go past this weekend I don't think there is much to worry about. The tenderness is common during my periods and I don't think it has affected my cervix. I'm also not having cramping or nausea/vomiting issues so that is all good. So hopefully this just sucks, but we can get on the the baby growing as normal.

Sometimes I wonder if being a stay at home mom is making me more aware of every little thing happening. I mean I love being with Zoey, don't get me wrong. But if I were working, or on a out of the house time frame I would be more worried about what's going on around me and less focused on every little feeling my body has. While at home, I am able to get more rest, which I am thankful for and it probably helps me out too. But I have a tendency to think about the new baby and body a lot more than if my mind was able to focus of other tasks. I mean playing with Zoey is a good distraction and lots of fun, but fixing lunch or watching the same Mickey for the second time this week isn't as mind consuming. Any way, just thoughts, I wouldn't trade being a stay-at-home mom or my time with Zoey for anything!

So on to more exciting things...Zoey was so cute today. Elmo's world featured horses today. For Christmas, Granny and Pops got Zoey a horse (on a stick). She was playing with it this afternoon and riding on it like Elmo. I was so cute. She even gave it a hug and petted it like on the show. Most often it is the little things like that that brighten up the whole day. Of course any time Zoey smiles brightens up my day.

I want to thank everyone who continue to keep us in their prayers and share stories with me. It feels really good to have friends to help hold me up. I am keeping my thoughts positive and my mind stress-free. This baby is in God's hands and he has a plan for both of us.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My Doctor's Appointment

I had my obgyn doctor's appointment today. There was no more scary people...I went back to the doctor that I had with Zoey who was amazing. I don't really mind driving 45 mins to get excellent care. I know I love this doctor, and even though she has an amazing new office, it is all about the same as it was...wonderful.

I actually got lost finding the new office. Ironically, it is in a new hospital that is obvious if I drive far enough down the right road. But I got there and everything was great. In fact while locating the right suite in the hospital I ran into my doctor (who I haven't seen in about a year) and she immediately recognized me, gave me a hug and said she was so glad to see me again. Talk about awesome, she made my day!

This office does a nurse talk with newly expecting patients. I didn't really think about it much while I was carrying Zoey, but now I really appreciate the effort they take to get you informed. They give you a whole pamphlet on what to eat, what to stay away from, medicines you can and can't take and a run down of each visit.

So now, I've talked to two receptionists, the head nurse, another nurse and I'm having an extremely pleasant experience. These people are kind, honest, will explain things and go out of their way to make things work. I found some good people here, I'm glad I'm back here now.

I finally get to talk to the doctor, who I really enjoy. Thankfully she said I don't have to redo the female test or the blood work (sigh of relief).

To my surprise, I started spotting last night. Lightly, but I was concerned because this didn't happen at all when I was pregnant with Zoey. The Doctor didn't sound too concerned, but checked me out and determined that my cervix was closed and the uterus looked fine.

Then she did an ultrasound to confirm the gestational age so far. My last period was around 1/28/11 to my estimation, which would make me 8 weeks along. However, when she took the measurements, the baby was only measuring 6 weeks. She said it could just be difference in ovulation, perhaps I just ovulated a little later than usual. Also, that it wasn't unusual since I'd just gotten off birth control. I didn't really know any better, but she suggested that having at least one regular cycle without birth control is ideal, so now I know.

But, the Doctor did seem a little concerned that the gestational age was behind AND the spotting together. She warned me that since it was directly after birth control the miscarriage rate does increase because the body is not always prepared to house a baby yet. She said not to worry to much about it because honestly there wasn't a whole lot I could do one way or the other, that this early on it just sort of works itself out.

With that being said, not all is lost. For one, there is no need to grieve at the possibility of losing a baby because as of right now I still have a baby growing inside me. Besides there is always the risk of a miscarriage this isn't really any different. Also, I know many people who have had healthy babies while being on birth control, so it can and does happen. I was also thinking that this is the normal time of the month for my period anyway so maybe some just leaked through (hopefully this will not continue or happen again for my sake. I mean really the best part of pregnancy besides the baby is not having a period.)

The biggest reason to not worry that trumps all of these is that it is in God's hands. There is a reason for everything and God is in control. In fact, the thought of possibly losing the baby has finally made the pregnancy feel real.

So I have another appointment in two weeks to monitor the baby's growth. I will see the ultrasound tech first and then visit with the doctor. Ideally, the baby will then measure 8 weeks and then we know he or she is growing on schedule and the due date was simply miscalculated or I ovulated late. Until then, it's just life as normal (and healthy).

I do pray that this baby stays with us and is 100% completely healthy. So pray for the expected amount of growth and a healthy mommy and baby.

An interesting note. At my previous appointment I received good news and had a horrible visit. At this appointment, I received borderline bad news and had a great visit. I also don't feel stressed like I have been for the past couple weeks about getting the right doctor. Now I know I have the right doctor and I just need to care for me and the baby (and Zoey and Stephen, well you get the picture.)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Extra Patience Gives Zoey and I an Awesome Evening

The fact that I had patience today shouldn't really seem like that big of a deal, but it feels like it is. As a mom, I actually have more patience than I give myself credit for, but some days I feel like I run out before they day even gets started good. This has seemed to occur more often since I found out I was pregnant again. I think this is mostly due to fatigue and morning (anytime) sickness. Although, I can't complain too much because my morning sickness has been very mild; I've mostly just been really tired. Today, however, I had patience all evening. I even thought in the middle of it all, wow, I'm feeling good tonight. I actually give some credit for my surplus in patience to our gardening adventure this afternoon (read previous post.) Something about gardening is very soothing.

Zoey helping make lunch yesterday

Anyway, I want to share some of the cool things my extra patience allowed me and Zoey to do tonight:

--Zoey helped me cook dinner. She actually helps me cook alot, but she did tonight as well. She really likes being in the kitchen and has always been very interested in what we were cooking. Sometimes I think she would rather watch water boil than Mickey Mouse (I know!) Zoey loves to stir. We have encouraged this and now she can stand on her stool and stir all by herself because she has learned how to and not get burned. So tonight we had Hamburger Helper, a simple meal after a busy day. She stirred it while it was heating to a boil and I washed dishes (with an eye on her of course.) She did great! She also helped me add the extra ingredients (we always add something else yummy to HH.) Zoey helped me cook practically the entire meal and even helped me get some cleaning done. Not too bad for a one and a half year old if you ask me.

Zoey completing her masterpiece artwork

--We also did an art project, but not any art project...Mommy cracked out the scissors and glue! We did a spring scene. I cut out all of the parts like flower stems, petals, clouds, and a sun. Then I showed Zoey again how the glue works. She likes it, I think because it's messy and works like stickers, which is still her favorite. I showed her how a flower looks and labeled all the parts and then she put her own together. I think it turned out beautifully! Zoey also decided to try out the scissors tonight. She actually did pretty well with them. I showed her how to hold them and how to open and close them. She got the idea, but I'm not sure her hand is big enough yet, even for safety scissors. She had a hard time opening and closing them. But she let me help her a little and she cut a piece of paper in two! She had fun with it and that's all that matters. And I enjoyed the time with her.
Zoey counting while playing Hi Ho Cherry-O

--The last awesome thing my extra patience allowed us to do was play Hi Ho Cherry-O. I can't wait to play board games with Zoey because it was one of my fondest memories growing up (playing board games at night with my Mommy.) I've actually had this game since Zoey was like 6 months old. I found it on sale and was like...yes! So tonight I pulled it out. I've been wondering how she would do with this one since it is mostly counting. (For those who don't know this game, it is a board with a basket full of fruit and a tree to lay the fruit out on. You spin a spinner to add or subtract the fruit from the tree to your basket. Whoever gets the fruit in the basket first wins.) I didn't expect to actually play the rules with Zoey now, but she still had a good time with the game. She would count the pieces as she put them into the basket. This was actually really cute. She is getting pretty good at saying one, two and three, but past that it is just a noise for each fruit or she will start over with one. She also had a good time pouring fruit from one basket to another. The cool part is the baskets are set in the board beside its color and she would continuously put the right color back in the right place even after getting out several of the baskets at once--she would remember where she got each one and even correct herself (without me interfering) if she put it back incorrectly. She didn't even try to eat the little fruit pieces. We had a blast playing! I think we will bring that one out again. Even though we aren't playing by the rules yet it has great educational value with counting, fine motor skills and eventually colors.

I'm constantly amazed at how much she understands while she is still so little. For example, Zoey has always loved the kitchen so since she was tiny we have explained that the stove and pots are hot. Now even if we say a fire outside or her food is hot, she understands. We've done the same with the oven so she understands to back up when I need to open it. I've also been able to explain that I touch the spoon and not the pot when I stir, that is how she learned how to stir and she has been doing it since before she could stand by herself. We would hold her so she could hold onto the spoon and she would get mad if we moved her before she had finished stirring.

Zoey's artwork proudly displayed on the fridge.

I don't always have a lot of patience to do all of this everyday. But we do play games and do crafts often, some being more complicated than others. And cooking is a regular thing, the difference is how involved she gets. My point in this big long run-on is that I found myself with extra patience tonight and I seized the opportunity to do some things with Zoey that I've been wanting to do. I've been working really hard on having more patience and tonight it paid off. I am very thankful to have such a curious little girl who loves to try new things. I try really hard to keep challenging Zoey, it is the best and most fun way to learn.

Watch Our Garden Grow!

Today we planted our garden!!!

Our adventure this morning was to get all of the plants and small amount of tools that we needed. Zoey had a blast in Lowes! She toured the ENTIRE store in a huge lap before we got down to business. I have to admit when we got to the lumber section it smelled like my childhood days. My Daddy is a woodworker so I would come with him to get lumber all the time. I hope Zoey can have memories like that too. We finally got the plants we wanted and a couple small gardening tools. Zoey even got her own trowel to help out.

Once we got home Zoey went to sleep, our adventure had worn her out. Stephen and I set to work planting in the garden. I LOVED digging in the dirt. It felt like home. My Daddy also had big gardens when I was a kid and I would go out there to help him all the time. (If you can't tell I was a Daddy's girl and followed my Daddy around alot trying to help him whenever I could. Graciously, he jumped on the opportunities to teach me about all kinds of things. I will always thank him for that. I will always love my Daddy.) --It is cool now that I'm a mother to see Zoey doing the same thing to Stephen. I hope they have as good of a relationship as I do with my Daddy.

Stephen and I had a blast getting all the vegetables arranged and planted. In the end we had 6 tomato plants (4 big and 2 cherries), 4 Green Bell peppers, 4 jalapeños, 6 lettuce, 8 cucumbers, several carrots, and more onions than I cared to count.

To make the day even better, it is raining this evening for the first time in about 3 weeks. I think it was a great day to plant a garden! Hopefully we will have a good crop yield. I can't wait to go out this summer and pick everything I need to make a salad and to have fresh veggies to cook for dinner.
Oh yeah, we also planted a couple herbs this year. We chose basil and cilantro for our first attempt at herbs. I hope they do well because I would really like to expand the herb garden and add more fresh herbs to the cooking repertoire. And, we resurrected our strawberry plant from last year. It looks like it will take better root this year so hopefully that will mean more strawberries!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Zoey's Big Girl Bed!

Last night Zoey slept in her big girl bed for the first time! We took the side off her crib so she could get in and out of it, making it a big girl bed. She was so excited and proud of herself too! When she saw it she spent a good five minutes climbing in and out of it.

She didn't want to go to bed, even though she now had free reign of her room. She was crying after a little bit, something she doesn't do at bedtime anymore, and we check on her to find out she has turned her light off. Note to self, Zoey doesn't like the dark much. After we calmed her down, we sent her back to bed. I sat with her and read a book. We read books often, but it's never been a bedtime routine, I could see that changing in the near future.

She did well in the bed after that. We put her lamp higher so she couldn't turn it off again. When we went to check on her when we went to bed she was asleep in the bed on her back. She looked so cute! I was impressed she was actually in the bed.

This morning I found her on the floor beside the bed. Sometime during the night or early morning she must have gotten up to party. She was groggy for a little longer than usual, but after breakfast she was as good as new. She apparently the big girl bed worked out all right.

Our little girl is growing up! I'm so proud of her and her independence. She was so excited about her big girl bed. I think after a few nights it will be a good, new routine for her.

She's taking a nap now in her new big girl bed. So far I hear a lot of talking and toys going off. We'll see if she gets around to sleeping. Nonetheless, I think she is ready for the freedom. Yay, my baby girl is in her big girl bed!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Photo of the Week 3/23/11

There are two photos from this weekend that really stand out...

The first one is a new family picture. I love the ones that are outside. In this one we are all looking at the camera and even all mostly smiling. It's a good way to start the spring to get a good family picture.

The second one is of Zoey. Since Zoey has been able to run around I have a hard time getting good smiling pictures. This is one I took while we were playing with a noise maker (which ironically doesn't make noise anymore) at Adrianna's party. Zoey loved to be tickled with the tube that flew out when I blew it. She loved playing with that thing and laughed and laughed. I was just glad I had my camera in hand. Zoey has such a beautiful laugh.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Exciting Weekend!

This weekend we went to not one, but two birthday parties! Zoey had such a fun time.

The first party was for Adrianna. I used to work with her mom, Bianca, at Best Buy. Adrianna turned 2 this month, and was beautiful. Zoey and Adrianna got along well as long as they weren't after the same toy, but kids will be kids and even though we try, 2 is just the beginning of learning how to share, especially since both are only children. Nonetheless, they were
adorable and we had a lot of fun celebrating with Adrianna.

I think the best part was Zoey and Adrianna dancing to music in the living room. The theme was Minnie Mouse, a common favorite of both the girls. Zoey was very interested in all the balloons around (a word she is quickly perfecting.)

Zoey also loved the noisemakers, which ironically no longer make noise. It's the one that you blow in and the tube unfolds; Zoey liked it to tickle her. Though I suppose since it doesn't make noise anymore it wouldn't scare kids or annoy adults.

And have I forgot to mention the cake? Not only was it Minnie Mouse, but it was also delicious. Overall a great time and I enjoyed seeing Bianca again, for it had be too long since we had visited.

The second birthday party was on Sunday for Declan who also turned 2. Again, Stephen and I are friends with his Daddy. It was a simple party for close friends and family. It seemed like he had a blast though.

Declan got not one, but three trucks and was thrilled. He liked the monster truck we got him alot, so I was happy. Then again, if he didn't like it I would have taken it cause it
looked like a lot of fun.

Zoey and Declan played very nicely together. They quibbled a little (like any 2 year olds would) but it was more like an old married couple deciding what to do. They loved to play outside. We even took a walk to a park close to their house. The kids had a blast playing on the slide and swings.

We had a delicious lunch of hamburgers, mac and cheese and cole slaw and of course ice cream and cake. Zoey was so tired at the end of the festivities that she was about to fall asleep sitting up. Another fun afternoon and we all had a blast.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Oh Happy Day!

Today is a good day. I feel very happy today. Not that I feel unhappy other days, but I woke up with a smile on my face and haven't stopped smiling since. There is nothing super special happening today, it is just a day. But I am very thankful for my wonderful family and for how blessed we are.

This morning Zoey and I went to Target. It was a fun girls outing. I treated us to popcorn and an icee, which Zoey loved! She did so well the whole time we were in there. She snacked on the popcorn and shared the icee and we would talk and shop. It was a fun adventure for us.

This afternoon is definitely nothing special. (Though a little special, today we get to visit some friends we haven't seen for a while, but that is later. You can read up in "Exciting Weekend." ) For now, I cleaned up a bit, did the dishes and cut up strawberries. But I felt very blessed to have these mundane tasks to do (definitely not a feeling I have for chores very often.) I felt like a mom (and a wife.) I am very thankful that I have a curious daughter that makes a mess, that we have food to eat that dirties up dishes, and that we have a house to live in that gets messy. These are simple things that not everyone has and though we do work hard, we are privileged to have them.

I sat outside to cut up strawberries to preserve before they went bad, and it is a gorgeous day. It is warm and I get to were shorts, which you shouldn't look too hard at my legs, but feels wonderful. I take a minute to stop and smell the strawberries (and eat one too). And I think, life doesn't get much better than this. I watch my kitty roll around on the pollen covered concrete and think if we could all stop and enjoy the small things and not focus so much on the details, we would all be more happy. I mean, who cares if you turn green, the ground will still scratch your back.

I wanted to share my happy day. And I challenge you to stop, take a minute and appreciate everything around you. It really does make a difference in how you see things. Today I will enjoy my daughter's smile and my husband's kiss and thank the Lord for such a blessed life.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Driver Brews: Oatmeal Cinnamon Stout

Stephen and Lance have already brewed some delicious beers. Now it was time to brew the first beers of the year! Karen came to participate in brewing the Oatmeal Cinnamon Stout.

It is a very hurry up and wait process, but we had a lot of fun hanging out and talking. You boil water, then wait. You put in the grains, then you wait. Well, you get the picture...

Zoey was very interested in what was going on, as usual. She loved trying to help. She investigated several of the pots and tools, but mostly had a great time hanging out with everyone and playing outside.

Stephen grilled us a delicious feast! There were ribs marinaded in homemade teriyaki sauce, grilled corn and homemade potato salad. It was delicious! Overall, it was a great day with great friends.

Day at the Park

This weekend David came to visit. Our first fun adventure was a day at the park. Stephen and David played baseball and football while Zoey and I played on the playground before joining them. We had a great time outside, it was a beautiful day!

Since there weren't very many kids on the playground this morning we got to explore the WHOLE playground. This isn't something we do on this playground very much because it is sectioned off clearly with age guidelines. (The big kids equipment is higher off the ground is the main difference.) Zoey had a great time climbing on all of the tall rope ladders and sliding down the big kid slides (her favorite playground event.)

While on the big kid playground, Zoey felt confidence enough to climb the stairs, walk across the bridge and slid down the slide all by herself. We had done it a couple times together and then she set off on her own. I was at the bottom of the slide waiting for her. I was so cute! I'm glad she is confident enough to do things like that by herself. She is definitely growing up fast.

After we played for a while on the playground, we met up with Stephen and David on the fields. Zoey had a great time playing catch with them. She would grab the ball from one of them and run it all the way to the other.

It was a great adventure outside. Zoey did so good playing and even though it ran into nap time she continued to play strong and happily.

Photo of the Week 3/11/11

I had a great idea to set aside one or two special pictures every week. I take a lot of pictures and they some times really good ones get lost in the quantity. So here are a couple from last week.

This picture was taken 3/9. Zoey was playing "noses" with Creampuff. (Noses is our name for the game Zoey plays when she finds her nose then someone else's. It has become very popular lately.) She and the kitty get along and play very well together. I'm very thankful that Creampuff is super mild and tolerant of Zoey's sometime a little rough but well-meaning love.

This is a great picture of Zoey and Stephen laying down watching cartoons one evening. She is very much a daddy's little girl. I love seeing them together.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

For St. Patrick's day this year we went to the park to play. Zoey had a great time riding on Clifford. Then we played outside where Zoey was collecting sticks and rocks and pretending something, though I'm not exactly sure what. And we got all of us in one picture with us all wearing our green! It was a good day. St. Patrick's day is always a fun holiday.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Worst Doctor Appointment Ever

I'm pregnant!!! I'm so excited! (Now I apologize upfront for the rant I'm about to have...)

I couldn't wait until my doctor's appointment this morning to confirm that I am pregnant so I can tell everyone, but what I thought was a consultation appointment was so horrible it is overshadowing my joy.

I went to the obgyn close to the house for my 1st prenatal appointment today. It all went wrong from the moment I walked in the door. The lady didn't even acknowledge me when I went in. I mean, I know she can't necessarily help me the moment I walk in, but is eye contact to much to ask? Then I wait ten minutes before I even start filling out paper work. (btw there are only two other people in the waiting room).

So I finally fill out paper work and the lady is like that will be $125. WHAT? This caught me completely off guard! I never had to pay upfront at my last obgyn (or any other doctor that I can remember except co-pay). Now I'm not really savvy in the medical world or how payment and insurance works, but I figured they would have at least warn me. This frustrated me and got me a little emotional despite myself. If it was the only the wrong with the visit it probably could have been overlooked.

Also, in the paperwork they include all the down syndrome tests (I don't remember all of the specific names). I thought this was really odd. With Zoey, the doctor sat down with us and explained what all the tests meant and if we wanted them. I don't think it was upfront like this. I mean, if this was my first kid, I would have no idea what it was and thought I needed them. I know now that I don't want them, but I didn't like that.

After about 45 mins I get called back to see the nurse. Standard height, weight, pee in a cup whatever. But the nurse wasn't very nice. Again, I overlooked this.

The doctor was about the best part of the visit. She was very nice. She talked with me and answered most of my questions (though rather vaguely). So we talked about my daughter's birth, family health history, pretty standard stuff. (Though I couldn't help but think that I had just answered all these questions in the waiting room, it would be nice if they could refer to that and then ask any questions they had. Or put the doctor's notes in the file, but again overlooked because I think that happens alot.) Then she did a pap spear. Okay that makes sense, that was done early on the first time.

So far, not a great visit, but overlookable. Then the nurse has to take blood. ICK! I hate getting my blood drawn. Did I mention I thought this was a consultation and a make a plan visit? (My last go around at this they did a nurse consultation and then I met the doctor, a great introduction to the place...not here, they just assume, I hate assumers). So they were going to take blood, (deep breath), okay. (I did it a few weeks in last time at a labcorp, which was nice because I was prepared for it and it didn't make me afraid of the doctor's office.)

So now for the straw that broke the camel's back...the nurse comes in to take my blood and asks in a rough and demanding voice, "Do you have an hour to stay for a glucose test?" WHAT? NO! I'm like, you do that later, why in the world would you do that now? Her're obese so you have to have it now. EXCUSE ME ! That is the rudest way anyone at a doctor's office has EVER talked to me!!! I was ready to walk out the door right there. I asked if I could reschedule the bloodwork and leave. She said no. I could reschedule that glucose but not the bloodwork. I said do it fast and then I'm leaving.

She did the bloodwork, thankfully easily and made me wait until she talked to the doctor. When she came back she said I could go but I had to reschedule the glucose. I talked the woman at the checkout and left without any appointment. I'm not going back there after that. Total time wasted...1 hour and 40 mins.

Now to recap...I might have over reacted. But looking back on it, it was really that nurse that made it so horrible. But the whole experience was not pleasant. I didn't even have that much stress when giving birth to Zoey or any of the prenatal visits with her. I mean, I understand that I haven't exactly shed all of my weight from Zoey's birth and I've always been a little on the larger side (so the glucose possibly makes sense), but I'm healthy and for the nurse to answer me that way is unacceptable. Not to mention she bombarded me with the whole ordeal. If she had come in and explained the situation before waving the bottle of disgusting syrup in my face, she might have gotten a different response from me. I admit I was a bit emotional and snapped at her about it, but I don't apologize because that was unacceptable in my opinion.

So now instead of feeling so excited and ready to tell the whole world I'm pregnant, I am filled with anger, stress, worry and uncertainty about what to do now.

I'm Pregnant!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

30 Days of me...Day 5: Travels to the Czech Republic

Day 5: A Picture of somewhere I've been (Czech Republic)

I love to travel and don't do it nearly as often as I'd like. I've gone to some pretty cool places in my years, most of them local. But I did get to have my experience of a lifetime the summer before my junior year at Clemson. I went to the Czech Republic!!! I was so excited and nervous and did I mention excited?

Old Town Square, Prague

There were six girls and a professor. It was a month long study abroad for anthropology. We had a blast. We stayed at a hostel in Prague (Praha), which was in the middle of everything. We stayed in Old Town Square. There are always people and things going on. The architecture is so cool. I love the mix of old and new.

Charles Bridge and Prague Castle

I could go on forever about this trip, there were a few highlights. It was beautiful! I loved taking lots of pictures and we met some really cool people. One of my favorite places to walk was on Old Charles Bridge. It was a hub for activity. There were people selling things and drawing pictures. I was one of many taking pictures. It had a great view of the castle.

Prague Castle Bell Tower, Czech Republic

The castle was amazing! So big and beautiful! It was very touristy though. I tended to like the parts where we were just blending in to the society. We met several people through the professor who were native Czechs. One lady was a journalist, who I really gravitated to because that was my focus in College. It was so cool experiencing the different culture. My biggest take from it was that they moved a lot slower and had a lot less stress. I really liked that part.

Giraffes at the Prague Zoo

On one of our free days, me and a couple other girls went to the Prague Zoo. Turns out the animals look a lot like they do in US zoos. But it was fun trying to read the descriptions in Czech. (They had English too.)

I actually learned a good bit of Czech while I was there. I could say things like "hello," "goodbye," "please," "thank you," "where's the bathroom," "how much," "water no gas" (the default is carbonated water, which I don't particularly like, so I very quickly learned that no gas was distilled water.) I also could distinguish foods and learned how to order a drink. It is funny that wine and beer are sometimes cheaper than soda there.

We had such a good time. One of the girls even introduced me to my husband (once we got back to school), so it was pretty much a win-win.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Happy Birthday Granny!

Last weekend my Mom (Granny) and Dad (Pops) came up to visit us. We had a wonderful weekend spending time together. Granny's birthday was Sunday. So we got to have a special dinner and wish her a happy birthday. Zoey even helped Granny open her birthday present.

Granny and Pops brought Zoey a slide for outside. She LOVED it! She went straight for it and hasn't stopped. She will climb up one side and slide down the other all by herself. She loves the balls that it came with and likes to dunk them all in the basketball hoop. I like it too because it gives her something to focus on in the backyard. Now her adventures can include climbing a mountain and slide into...whatever.

We had a feast for dinner Saturday night! We got some T-bone steaks that Stephen grilled for us and had baked potatoes and salad to go with it. Zoey even enjoyed the steak, but especially all the veggies in the salad. It was a great way to celebrate Granny's birthday. Plus they got to spend time with Zoey and be outside while it was all cooking.

Zoey stayed up Friday night until they got here. And though she was about to fall asleep with me watching Mickey, she brightened right up when they got here. She went immediately to Granny and then to Pops and then to Granny again. She didn't want to let go. I know Granny loved every second of it. Zoey brought Granny in and snuggled on the couch to finish watching Mickey. It was so cute. Zoey is such a sweet girl.

Zoey loves her Granny and Pops. She spent the whole weekend showing them stuff and giving hugs and kisses. It was a great weekend. I'm so glad they could come and see us, especially Zoey. She is growing so fast these days.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

30 Days of me...Day 4

Day 4: A habit I wish I didn't have

I don't really know of a habit that I wish I didn't have, but I do wish I didn't have my temper. I've worked very hard to control it and pat myself on the back with a real good job. However, an 18 month old little girl knows just how to press my buttons especially when I am tired. So it seems like it has flared up again. I do a really good job of not blowing up in front of Zoey with my own temper tantrum, but I often have to walk away and cool down. Only the rare occasion retreating to my room and screaming into a pillow. This is not something I'm proud of, in fact, it is extremely embarrassing. Even though she can drive me crazy sometimes, I love that little girl more than I can possibly express. (Probably why I get worked up, if I didn't care I wouldn't be so passionate about it.) So there you go. My temper is my work in progress. I'm doing pretty good, but it would be the bad "habit" I wish I didn't have.

Friday, March 4, 2011

30 Days of me...Day 3

Day 3- a picture of you and your friends

This is a picture of us and my friends Kat and Drew. We were friends in college at Clemson. (Well, Kat and I were friends in high school too.) They got married in 2009 and seem really happy.

This picture was at a Clemson Football game versus NC State last fall. We even won! Zoey loved the game and paid a lot more attention to the field than I thought she would. We had a great afternoon at Clemson, it's revisit where I spent four years of my life, though it is definitely from a different perspective now that I'm a wife and mother.

Kat and I have been friends for years! We love to read and write (we were both English majors in college). It's nice to have someone to bounce even the most ridiculous ideas off of. One of our favorite pass times in college was to get coffee and sit and explore that important questions of life involving religion, politics and the cute boy that lives at the end of the hall (that would end up being Drew of course).

True friends are sometimes hard to come by, and I am very blessed to say that I have many!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Traditional Family

I was reading a magazine today that had an article entitled, "Who wants to be normal anyway?" Basically, it was about celebrating all the different types of families (single moms, grandparents raising...) The article had a statistic that said "Only 17 percent of households in 2010 qualified as "traditional" anyway (employed male husband, female homemaker, children)*."

I realized we were one of those 17%. My husband works, I stay at home, and well, Zoey is a kid. But I've never really thought about being traditional before. I am happy, my family is happy and healthy, that is all that matters to me.

I love being a stay-at-home mom. I wouldn't trade it for anything. We didn't set out to be a traditional family, but it works for us. No matter what kind of family you have or how crazy it is, as long as there is love in your house, you are doing all right in my eyes!

*The article was in Parenting: The Early Years, March 2011 on page 12, written by Ana Connery.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

30 Days of me...Day 2

30 Days of me, Day 2: The meaning behind my blog name.

I'm always trying to come up with witty titles for things, especially the numerous best sellers I have yet to write. So I wanted to do a unique title for my blog. I'm not 100% sure I was successful in being witty, but I like the name.

I started the blog originally right after Zoey was born in 2009. The whole blog is me telling about my family. Also, anything else I write about would be from the perspective of a mother. So they are tales from a mother.

The picture I have up as my title now is pretty important to me. It was taken in Maine, somewhere I had always wanted to go. The first time I went I was able to share it with Zoey (who turned 11 months old that weekend), Stephen and some more very important family. We were in Boston visiting Stephen's Aunt. She and her family go camping in Maine and invited us to join her. Well, we jumped at the chance, which was well worth it because it is BEAUTIFUL in Maine. The most special part was we got to spend the day with Stephen's Dad there celebrating his birthday. (We don't get to see him very much.) It was a very special time for us, one that we will treasure forever. Though my title picture will probably change eventually as our family grows and Zoey gets bigger, this picture will always mean family adventure to me.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

30 Days of me...Day 1

Day 1: A recent picture and 20 interesting things about me...

20 interesting facts about me...
(in no particular order)

1. I like taking pictures and can go months without actually getting a (good) picture of myself.

2. I actually really like cartoons. I enjoy watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse or Disney movies all day with Zoey and sometimes even prefer it to watching live-action movies.

3. I get a little depressed in the winter. I don't like to be cold, and I get cold very easily. The upside is I get to cuddle under a blanket all the time and drink lots of hot cocoa.

4. I shave my feet.

5. I really like doing crafts. I also really enjoy it that Zoey seems to like it as much as I do and it is something we can do together.

6. I sleep with a teddy bear. I like to cuddle with Stephen, but we both get better sleep if I hold onto P.S. instead.

7. I am very proud of myself for having Zoey completely naturally (with no epidural or pain killers.)

8. I have a really bad temper. I've worked really hard for many years to control it. I usually do really good at controlling it, but sometimes it slips.

9. I LOVE scrapbooking and photography! I have scrapbooks since my freshman year of college and my photography is getting better and better!

10. I eat a tomato whole (like you would an apple), right off the vine.

11. I really want to have a big family. I love the chaos and I want to be surrounded by kids. I just hope my body and probably my sanity can keep up with my mind.

12. My favorite days are when Stephen, Zoey and I are together doing something, whether a trip out or even at home working in the yard.

13. I have a really bad memory. I forget the details of a book within a week no matter how closely I read it. I think that is why I love to scrapbook so much...because I don't ever want to forget the details of the things we do, especially with Zoey.

14. I really enjoy being a stay-at-home mom and though it's not always easy, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

15. I love when Stephen looks at me like I'm the only person in the world and when Zoey smiles with perfect contentment.

16. I love being outside and playing in the dirt.

17. My biggest fear is of my teeth falling out.

18. I don't wear makeup.

19. The first time I got on an airplane was for a 9 hour flight to Amsterdam (when I went to the Czech Republic.) It was great, I love flying!

20. I LOVE my family! My whole extended family. Stephen and Zoey more than anything in the world. But also, my wonderful Mom and Dad who have loved my unconditionally and made sure I've had everything I needed to become who I am today. My husband's family as loud and crazy as they may be, I love that and appreciate them for who they are. My aunts and uncles and cousins, though I don't see them as much anymore, they are great. My grandparents (who are now all deceased.) They all always made me feel special and loved. My friends who are as close as family and have been with me through rocky times and celebrations. Above all I thank God for giving me such a wonderful life. I love my family and it makes me happy to know I am loved.

30 Days of me...

So today seems a good of day as any to start this...30 days of me!
A friend is doing this on her blog and I love hearing all that she has to say. I also think it is a really cool way to get this blog going once again. I love fun writing prompts so here goes...

Here are the daily prompts for 30 days of me:

day 1- recent picture of you and 20 interesting facts about yourself
day 2- the meaning behind you blog name
day 3- a picture of you and your friends
day 4- a habit that you wish you didn’t have
day 5- a picture of somewhere youve been to
day 6- favorite super hero and why
day 7- a picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
day 8- short term goals for this month and why
day 9- something youre proud of in the past few days
day 10- songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad
day 11- another picture of you and your friends
day 12- how you found out about blogger and why you have one
day 13- a letter to someone who has hurt you recently
day 14- a picture of you and your family
day 15- put you ipod on shuffle: first 10 songs that play
day 16- another picture of yourself
day 17- someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
day 18- plans/dreams/goals you have
day 19- nicknames you have and why you have them
day 20- someone you see yourself marrying or being with in the future
day 21- a picture of something that makes you happy
day 22- what makes you different from everyone else
day 23- something you crave for a lot
day 24- a letter to your parents
day 25- what I would find in your bag
day 26- what do you think about your friends
day 27- why are you doing this 30 day challenge
day 28- a picture of you from last year and now, how have you changed since then?
day 29- in this past month, what have you learned
day 30- your favorite song