Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Bedtime Story

Bedtime Story

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Zoey Had A Great Birthday Party Too!

To add to Zoey's already wonderful birthday we threw a party for all of our friends to celebrate Zoey turning two. She had a wonderful time! It is at times like these that I am reminded of all the wonderful friends we have made while living here. There were several people who came and all had big smiles and hugs for Zoey. There were friends I used to work with, friends Stephen works with and many friends we consider family. It was a lovely evening. Zoey was able to play with the adult friends, but also two little friends of her own that came (that doubles the kids at her first year party, which I found sort of funny.) We had burgers, hot dogs, potato salad and chips that I thought was the perfect dinner. I'm glad Zoey had such a great time, it was a wonderful birthday party!

Zoey was so excited to have all of her friends at her party. She was just dancing and singing for the longest time. She had a great time interacting with everyone, she is such a little social butterfly.

Zoey also had a great time playing with the two little kids. They are both one this year, so Zoey had fun being the big girl of the bunch. Though, she plays with them very well, they make quite the little trio. They seemed to really enjoy playing blocks together. I am glad Zoey has playmates to learn with and from.

I made Zoey a Minnie Mouse Cupcake cake! I thought it turned out well, not perfect, but it was tasty. Zoey really liked it, which is all that matters to me. She looked at it and said "Minn-me, Minn-me!" My heart soared. Zoey loves her Minnie and this was perfect for this party.

Zoey LOVED blowing out the candles. She was pretty good at it too, which impressed me. She would blow them out and then ask to light them again. She blew them out about 3 times while we sang happy birthday. It was really cute to see her so excited.

"Yay" she said when we got done singing. She loved her cupcake cake, which she did help make. She is such a light herself, she was so cute eating her own cupcake. Then she wanted to hand them out to all of her friends, that was super cute.

Zoey got all kinds of really cool toys from all of her friends. She played with them all that day and each and every one several times since then. The one she wanted set up that evening was her new lady bug tent. She was playing with the lady bug head while a friend started setting it up. She was singing to herself in this picture and making the cutest face of "please." Of course, she wanted to help set it up too. So they got it all set up together.

Once it was all set up, she pulled me into test it out with her. She loves it! She will take her other toys in there and have her own little hid out. The best part is that she will take books in there and all I will hear is sounds of reading from outside it. I'm glad she likes all of her toys, they will get very much use.

It seems no birthday is complete without a jam session, so Zoey jams out with Daddy. A couple other friends play too and they had a great time. When Zoey wasn't drumming for her little audience, she would dance and sing while the others played. She is so musical.

Zoey had a great party and I thank everyone who came and sent wishes for her. We have some very special family and friends in our lives and I am grateful for every one of them! Now it is time to enjoy the 2's, I am really excited to see my little girl continue to grow!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Zoey Had A Great Birthday!

Zoey had a great birthday! She turned two this year. It was mostly a normal day with presents and a cupcake after Daddy got home, but it was special. And it was especially wonderful to me.

Zoey loves to be in the kitchen helping me so it was natural for her to help me make her birthday cupcakes. We had a great time mixing, pouring and well eating the batter too. She is really good at cracking the eggs and I think that is her favorite part. In fact, our egg intake has increased since she has discovered this skill.

Zoey was so excited to see her presents. Now that she is older she is starting to anticipate. It makes it exciting and we've been having a countdown and birthday crafts all week to lead up to her special day. I also love that Zoey will tear into presents now, it makes them a lot more fun.

Zoey loved her tea set. She immediately invited me and Daddy for tea. We each got our own cups, plates and bowls with unlimited refills! I love watching her imagination come alive.

Zoey talked to both of her grandmothers on her birthday. My parents even called her up on Skype. It was so precious when she offered my mom tea over the computer. She even tried to spoon her some food to go with it. I am so glad Zoey has a great relationship with both of her grandparents.

Zoey eating her birthday cupcake! She was very excited about her special day. I'm glad she had a good time, even if it was just a lazy day with Mommy and Daddy.

After some final playtime with her new Lego Duplos, it was time for bed. What a great day! And now we have all kinds of fun things to play with. And then we will set up her party so all of her friends can celebrate her birthday too.

This is one of those days where I just can' help but love life!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Zoey Well Well 2 Year Check-Up

We actually went to the Doctor last Friday for Zoey's 2 year well checkup, but it's been a busy weekend and I'm just now writing about it. However, it was cute enough I want to share. Even if I am the only one laughing...

Zoey with her Minnie sticker after her appointment

Now that Zoey is two and listening to directions well she is allowed to walk beside me most of the time. This was the case on the way into the doctor's office from the car. She was just sort of skipping along and then she heard the "toot toot" of a car locking and stopped in her tracks turning around. To my surprise there was our doctor strolling toward the office as well. Zoey waves fairly enthusiastically to the man she hasn't seen for 6 months. Once he turns to go into the back of the office Zoey continues toward the door.

She sat very still in the waiting room. She climbed right up into a car and nibbled on the rest of her apple breakfast. I was given a form to fill out that is basically an autism watch and I read the questions to Zoey..."Do you answer me when I speak to you?" She answers, "Mama, akldjgpoihgawnefjSdovijasm." I check yes.

It didn't take long to get called. I am thankful we try to get the earliest appointment in the day because there is hardly ever much waiting. We go to the room, Zoey followed the nurse all by herself with my trailing behind her. She was measured and weighted and she grew a lot in the past 6 months. She now weighs 26lbs and 9oz and is 35" tall. Her weight gain is right on par with her 50 percentile, but her height shot up to almost the 75 percentile. I figured she just had a growth spurt though.

Then the doctor came in. I love our pediatrician, he is so nice. Not only is he a great guy, but he has a very good way of relating to people. I like that. It makes Zoey feel very comfortable too. While we were waiting she was coloring in a book I brought for her. The doctor and I talked. He said it sounded like she was doing very well and that he could see from her coloring and her interactions with him that she was right where she needed to be.

I was also really excited that when Zoey drew an "O" and named it correctly the doctor looked a little surprised. "That's a Third Year milestone," he said. I was cheering inside.

The doctor said she checked out great. He said that Zoey is growing really well physically and intelligently.

Although there were no shots this day, she did have to have a finger prick to check her lead levels for any possible lead poisonings. I cringed a little, because though there are no lasting effects like fevers, etc, a finger prick can sometimes her more than a shot. Especially since they have to squeeze the finger to get the right amount of blood. So I prepared Zoey as best I could while we were waiting for the nurse. We have been working on the term "sharp." I told her how the nurse was going to come in a poke her finger.

Zoey is a tough kid. Even though I knew this she surprised me. She came right over to sit in front of the nurse and held out her hand. The nurse took her finger and counted, "1, 2, 3" and then poke. I was waiting for the tears, I expected her face to turn read and fill with tears. What did Zoey do? Nothing. She barely even winced. Even when the nurse pushed on her finger to get more blood she never made a peep. She had her furred eyebrows going meaning she was trying to figure out what the nurse was doing. I don't know if it was the object or her own blood that fascinated her, but she was intrigued. The nurse even asked her if she was going to be a nurse or a doctor when she grew up.

The best part is that when the nurse was done and put a bandaid on her finger she held out her other hand for the nurse to do that one too. The nurse and I both laughed.

The nurse said it would be less than five minutes to run the test so Zoey and I used our crayons to trace our hands and feet on the paper covering the bed while we waited. The test came back negative so our dirt and toys are safe with no lead and then it was time to go. Zoey picked out a Minnie sticker, which I though was perfect for her birthday weekend. Then we were off.

Zoey had a great well checkup. We (hopefully) won't be back to see the doctor for Zoey until she is three. However, I am enjoying two.

How a Great Day Goes Bad

Today was a great day. We had a busy weekend so it was nice to lay low today and mostly relax. Zoey had a great birthday party this weekend so we spent most of the day cleaning up and playing and replaying with all of her new toys. Add some meals, a movie and a nice day outside to play in and it really was a great day. And to top off the wonderful adventures of the day there weren't any meltdowns. I know right, I was very impressed with my two year old. She often acts so much older than her age, then again she sometimes acts very much her age. I'll take the good with the bad and enjoy awesome days like this one.

Today was great. This evening was...not so great.

If you live in the South Eastern part of the United States you are probably well aware of Hurricane Irene knocking on our coastline. I was aware as well, but I had no idea it had took a turn for the worst, or at least in our direction today. As Stephen got off work today he sent me a text along these lines..."You know the hurricane Irene coming? It is suppose to hit land on Saturday morning as a category 3. Maybe your parents shouldn't come visit this weekend. Perhaps we should go to the upstate just in case."


I know Stephen, I also know he doesn't suggest things like this unless he is concerned. So now I am concerned. No, I'm pretty much freaking out. And just to make it that much more comforting a loud roar of thunder echos in the background.

I call my mom and ask what she thinks about the hurricane. She told me that she thought it was still too soon to decide if they were still coming up or not. However, this verdict was through a broken reception conversation where neither one of us could really hear the other. So now I am just stressed out.

Then I talk to Stephen. Thankfully. He doesn't sound as worried on the phone as his text made him sound. Figures. However, the storm looks bad enough that his work is talking about closing on Friday so everyone who chooses to can leave the coast. Also, the city might call for an evacuation for all of Charleston. Okay, so Hurricane Irene is still pretty serious.

We talked more and agreed that we would wait until the middle of the week and then make a decision whether to stay or go. If we decide it is necessary to leave we want to get out before the rush starts. Basically, we want to play it safe, especially with Zoey.

Honestly, I don't know how to handle natural disasters. I've never really had much practice, at least as a mom. I hear this and I start making lists in my head of all the things we would need to prepare. And amidst the borderline chaos going on in my head I am on the phone trying to figure out what the best course of action/preperation is and I'm cooking dinner and I am just getting completely...


Then Stephen comes home after a long day of work and a cancelled football practice due to storms and I'm being confrontational with him because I am stressed. And I feel horrible for being confrontational and end up feeling more stressed. Isn't it amazing how these downward spirals work.

See this is how a great day goes bad.

Thankfully, there is an up side. One, I have a very understanding and patient husband. Two, we have at least two days to figure out and prepare for the incoming hurricane. Three, a delicious dinner and then Top Gear can cure some stressful situations..

So after freaking out, calming down and talking some more we have a plan. I'm going to prepare some tomorrow, just in case. And now I have some me time to get the dozens of things I want to do done. Thankfully, I put blogging on that list. There is nothing better than writing to get out my emotions and make me feel better.

Is this storm freaking anyone else out? They are comparing Irene to Hugo, which I definitely wouldn't want to be in town during. Do you handle situations like natural disasters differently now that you have kids?

Friday, August 19, 2011

Blessed Quiet Time

As a mom, especially a stay-at-home mom, I don't always get much quiet time. I try to set aside time each day for bible study, time to read, in general, time for me to keep sane. However, some days that quiet (me) time doesn't happen and I feel a little insane. Today was one of those days.

This has been a busy week. Zoey's birthday was this week so we've been doing extra crafts, learning times and overall excitement to celebrate Zoey turning two. It has been a ton of fun, but also very tiring. At least all the excitement is catching up to me and I'm feeling very tired. But...the fun isn't over yet! Nope, the entire weekend if fun of birthday excitement as well as extra fellowship time. Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely excited for all the fun happening. However, I still have things to get done tonight for Zoey's party tomorrow and all I want to do is go to sleep.

Tonight, I am in the kitchen preparing food for tomorrow's party. This is usually a fun activity that I do with Zoey or Stephen making the work part of it disappear. However, tonight it is only me. I honestly love being in the kitchen. I'm not gourmet chef, but I love a good home-cooked meal and baking always makes me smile. I've even been referred to as the Betty Crocker Mom from my sister-in-law. So being in the kitchen is not the problem, I'm just so darn tired that it feels like work.

In the spirit of joyful living and embracing my title as mom and wife, I head into the kitchen with a forced smile and start preparing. I have some uplifting music on and as my body sways to the music, I remember why I love this. I remember why I love being a mom and a wife. I love helping people and caring for them. And even when I am tired enough to go to bed at the same time as my two year old, I still love what I am doing.

I also realize something...this is the best quiet time I can get. My hands are busy, my heart is happy and my head is remembering all the things I have to be grateful for. And my mind drifts to the reason I am up late making cupcakes and potato salad to begin with. Zoey's birthday party is tomorrow and I have been looking forward to it for months. I believe birthdays are really something to celebrate.

Zoey is two! I can't believe it! When Zoey turned one it was exciting. It was an entire year where everything was new and adventurous. Now that Zoey is two, I feel like we have accomplished something. She seems so grown up. She understands so much and lets her outgoing, creative personality shine. I love that we can enjoy things together much more now. Two really is a fun age. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful daughter.

I think the unexpected times to myself, even when I'd rather be doing something else can be the best. I didn't want this very special work to be a drag, and I'm glad I didn't let it. This really has been a blessed quiet time.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Zoey!

Today Zoey turns 2! It is amazing how fast the time goes. I can't believe two years ago I was just going into labor and got to meet my baby girl!

Of course, she isn't a baby anymore. She is very insistent on being a big girl. She now has an opinion about what to eat, what to wear, what movie to watch and what books to read. I love that she is able to make decisions now, it makes life a little more interesting and more fun.

Zoey LOVES to cook! She can even make scrambled eggs all by herself (with supervision of course.) She can crack an egg all by herself about as well as I can, she gets few if any shells in the bowl. She will scramble the egg in the bowl, pour it in the pan and stir it around. I help with this part, but she completely understands the rules of the stove and has proven herself to be safe while she cooks. She helps me cook dinner almost every night. It is a joy to be able to share the kitchen with my little helper.

Zoey not only loves to help cook, but she is quite the little helper all over the house. She will help me wash dishes, put up dishes, fold laundry, sweep, vacuum and pick up. She will also help me in the garden while I am planting, weeding, watering and harvesting. She will also help Stephen with any odd jobs he does. For example, the sink was leaking and Zoey was right with him whenever he fixed it. I am very excited that Zoey loves to help me and I am taking full advantage of it while I can. Even when she is "too helpful" and it takes me longer to get things done I try to remember that she is learning how and I'm not going to discourage her attitude to help.

Zoey's other passion seems to be music. She loves listening and dancing to music. She will also play the guitar, drums and piano any chance she gets. She actually has some amazing talent for a 2 year old, it's even sometimes on beat. The best thing is lately I've been hearing Zoey sing to herself while she does things. Yesterday she was coloring and just singing a tune to herself as happy as can be.

Arts and Crafts is another one of the many things we do together. We both love coloring best at the moment. It is very relaxing to get out a coloring book and some fresh crayons and go to town. Zoey will stretch out in the floor and sort of zones out a little while she colors. It is really cute and fun to do together. She also loves stickers and her new love is stamps. We also do special arts and crafts to make projects. She seems to enjoy glue a lot, which is always a fun mess to play with. Painting has always been a favorite, though one we only do once in a while. Finger paints are always fun, but we have upgraded to watercolors with a paintbrush and lately even to acrylics. She does really well with them and makes some really pretty pictures. I love that she mixes all the colors and is not afraid to experiment. It reminds me to just have fun and not worry to much about the details.

Zoey sleeps very well and thankfully rarely wakes up at night. She has a few stuffed animals and blankets that I would call her "loveys," but they don't seem to been a necessarily attachment. She has Minnie, Mickey and Tigger that are her "regular" stuffed animal friends with a couple other rotations. And she has her "Granny blanket" (the blanket her Granny made for her when she was born) and a butterfly blanket that she gravitates too, but most any blankets seem to make her happy. She collects all her friends and a couple books and is ready to be tucked in at night. She is loving her big girl bed and we don't even take a crib with us when we travel anymore. She really is growing up.

We are working on potty training. It is sort of funny the stage we are at. She will run to the potty, sit on it for a bit, wipe herself, get up and flush the potty without ever actually using the bathroom. She is doing really well overall, we are just working on the when to go. I am very proud of her for the progress she has already made.

Zoey can count to three consistently and can say more numbers but she doesn't "count" them yet. Her favorite is "one, two, three, go!" She can also say and recognize 11 letters (a, b, c, d, e, i, k, o, t, u, w). She got the vowels down first and I'm not really sure what sparked the other ones, especially w, which I figured would be the hardest one to get. However, she has impressed me by being able to pick them up and repeat the letter.

Right now her favorite cartoons are Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Blue's Clues and Wonder Pets. She has also gravitated to this leap frog video about letters ("Amazing Alphabet Amusement Park" or something like that--yeah for Netflix.) Her favorite movies are Cars and The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. We watch both of these at some point pretty much every week. I love that she will watch and enjoy the "old" Disney classics with me too. I feel like I am educating her somehow. Or at least sharing my childhood memories and favorites with her.

Two is a very fun age. Zoey is learning more and more words everyday. We are slowly starting to communicate with words as well as gestures. I love that she gets involved with whatever I am doing.

We are truly blessed. Zoey is such an amazing little girl. She is curious, fearless, outgoing, innovative, creative, intelligent and just plain fun. It has been a great couple of years and I can't wait to see the young lady Zoey is turning into.

I love you my Zoey-bug! 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: One Day Old

One Day Old

In honor of Zoey's 2nd birthday this week, I dedicate this Wordless Wednesday to her birth day. 

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Recipe: Twice Baked Potato Bites

We had these for dinner and they were delicious! These are similar to the potato skins you get as appetizers in restaurants, but I like them better because they have more flavor. I like to add an extra dollop of sour cream with each serving. They work great as a side or an appetizer.  Here is my recipe...

Twice Baked Potato Bites

You will need:
Medium sized potatoes
Sour cream
Shredded cheese
bacon bits
salt and pepper
(basically whatever you like on baked potatoes will work perfect for this recipe)

1. Cook potatoes in oven at 400 degrees for 40-60 minutes.
2. Cut potatoes in half and scoop out the insides into a bowl. Place the halves of potatoes on a baking pan.
3. Add all the "baked potato" ingredients (butter, sour cream, shredded cheese, bacon bits, salt and pepper). Save some cheese and bacon for later. Mix well. It should have a mashed potato consistency.
4. Spoon this mashed potato mixture back into the potato halves.
5. Top each potato bite with shredded cheese and bacon bits.
6. Bake for about 10 mins longer or until cheese is melted.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Where's the Mommy Handbook?

Zoey has a fairly easy going, consistent bed schedule. It has done us well for almost a year now. She goes to bed at 8pm and she sleeps until about 8am. See, easy right?

Well she usually goes to sleep easily, even if she plays in her room for a little bit to wind down. Then she will sleep through the night. She has slept through the night since she was about 6 months old, except on sparse occasions.

This was one of those sparse occasions. I actually can't remember the last time Zoey woke up in the middle of the night. But I hear her come into our room and my half asleep self can't believe it is morning yet. I was right...3am. Uggghhh.

"Zoey what's wrong?" I ask. She says nothing just cuddles between Stephen and I. She sits for a minute and then lays down with us.

My first reaction is...well, honestly that I didn't want to be awake at 3 o'clock in the morning, but then that this is the first time she came and crawled into bed with us. Awww. And then came the realization that she doesn't sleep well whenever she is around us. She has always put herself to sleep ever since she was tiny, so now when we are near she takes that as a sign to be up and play.

So what to do? Where is that Mommy Handbook that tells me what to do? Of course I probably wouldn't have been able to read it in the dark at 3 o'clock in the morning any better than I could think at the time.

I always figured Zoey would come and crawl in bed eventually, it is a fairly common thing for kids to do. However, I did not expect it so soon. It completely took me off guard. And Stephen and I hadn't really talked about this phase much and 3am isn't really a very coherent time to bring it up.

Well, she did lay with us for a little bit. I figured as long as she was still, I'd be able to go back to sleep and she could stay there. Yeah, right. Because then she started getting antsy. Then she started waking up even more. So staying in the bed wasn't going to happen.

So I took her back to her room. That is when I figured out that something did frighten her, probably a nightmare of some sort. She didn't want to go back in her bed (which she would normally have no problem with.) She gave me the boo boo lip and a real cry. So I sat with her on the floor with my arms wrapped around her. She was happy there. When she was all but asleep  I tried to transfer her to her bed...bad idea. She immediately woke up and cried again.

My next was, well, I'm tired and want some more sleep tonight. So, I got my pillow and laid down next to the bed on a spare mattress we have. Zoey liked the idea of a Mommy sleepover. She cuddled up right next to me and laid down.

It was really sweet because she would reach out her hand to touch my face once in a while, like she was just making sure I was still there.

Of course, I wasn't going to sleep and neither was she. We laid there peacefully for about 15 to 20 minutes. Then she popped up and was ready to play. At this point, I knew she was fine. So I tucked her back into her bed, said good night once again and went back to my own bed.

I have no idea if that was the right thing to do. It seemed to work okay. The whole thing took me by surprise and I do not think the most clearly at 3am. Next time we may try something different. I'm sure there will be a next time. I don't know what the "right" thing to do is, but I know Zoey knows that we love her very much and that she can come to us. That is important. My job is to make sure she feels secure. I love that job! It means I get lots of hugs.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Lovin' Life: Music Edition

This past week we have been spending a lot of time immersed in music. Zoey is really becoming the little musician. She will pick up the piano (which I play.) And she will pick up the drums and guitar (which Stephen plays.) She is getting really good at all of these, it's not quite ready for "Billboard" yet, but it is definitely music. She's been dancing since before she could walk and now she is even starting to sing, which I love. We are absolutely encouraging this love of music Zoey has. I hope it will continue and grow stronger as she gets older.

Zoey singing into the guitar stand like a microphone 
Zoey playing guitar with her Daddy

Zoey wanted to hold the guitar herself

Zoey playing her guitar with Daddy
I also put up a video of Zoey singing into the guitar stand microphone while Stephen was playing "Come All You Weary" by Thrice. It's pretty awesome, check it out:

Singing in Diapers

Thursday, August 11, 2011


When I was doing my bible study today, I came across a piece of paper. It was labeled "Ambitions." There was no date on it, but I remember writing it in college. I would put the year around 2006 (ish). That would be five years ago. Finding this really made me smile. It is a time stamp of who I was 5 years ago. I was also excited to realized I have crossed some things off of that list in the last 5 years.

Here's my Ambitions from 5 years ago:

To go to Maine (Accomplished 7.10.10 when we celebrated Stephen's Dad's birthday in Maine with family)
To ride on a sailboat
To read the Bible cover to cover (Accomplished though I'm not sure what date. It's really a good book, I can tell you how it ends...the good guys win ;)
Create a family (Accomplished: 9.22.07 Stephen and I got married, 8.18.09 Zoey was born)
To get a Doctorate
Sale a Photograph
Watch a sunrise or sunset from the top of a mountain
Go on a cruise
See clear ocean water
Light a fire without a match or lighter
Stir the air 
Go on a Road Trip (Accomplished: We drove to New England last summer 2010, it was quite a road trip)
Own a hammock

Looking at this list really makes me feel good. I realize I am in a entirely different place in my life now. My views are different now that I am older, a wife and a mother. So I decided to write down my Ambitions again. Maybe in 5 more years I can look at who I am now and maybe even cross some more things off the list.

My Ambitions 2011:

Have a big family
ride on a sailboat
go abroad again
write a book
go on a cruise
travel out west
remain joyful through struggles
get a DSLR camera
continuous bible study
have a hammock
Be a good wife and mother
go camping in the woods
Be a blessing

"Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Let's Make Music

Let's Make Music 

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Notes Left Behind

Elena is nothing short of amazing. She was diagnosed with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glimoa (DIPG), one of the cruelest forms of pediatric brain cancer. She was told she would have 135 days to live. She fought past that number with another 121 days.  

She was an inspiration. After her death, her parents, grandparents, and even her aunt found messages hidden in random and obscure places. Not just one or two notes, 20 to 30 plus more. She left quite a legacy by sharing her optimistic nature of giving and helping others with her family and ultimately the world.

This is Elena. 

During the later stages of her cancer when speaking became to much, Elena would put her kindergarten passions of art and writing to work to communicate. She even completed a life goal when her painting called "I Love You" was hung next to her favorite artist Pablo Picasso at the Cincinnati Art Museum.

Her parents started a website to keep family informed with updates, but soon many strangers were reading and finding hope through their story. The feedback from their story and their daughter's notes they found left behind they decided to write a book, "Notes Left Behind."

This wasn't a story written for personal gain, but from a heart of giving, following in the footsteps of their little girl. Also, they wanted Elena's little sister, Grace, to remember her sister and her love for every one around her. This letter to Grace became the family's calling to share their message of hope.

The family encourages parents to spend every opportunity you can in big and small ways with your children and family. On a larger scale, the family founded "The Cure Starts Now Foundation" to help find a cure for pediatric brain cancer.

I read about this story today. It is a bit dated. Elena passed in 2007 and "Notes Left Behind" was publish in 2008. However, this is a story worth repeating. And even several years later, it has touched my heart.

Many people ask, why do bad things happen? Christians will often ask why God would plague a little child with cancer. I don't want my kids to be sick any more than the next person. I didn't want to lose the baby that I miscarried either. But sometimes, God has bigger plans for us.

Elena was a very special girl. God knew that. He was able to use her to do a great thing on earth for the short time she was here. God can use anyone, young or old, poor or rich, it doesn't matter. She was able to spread joy and hope even when she was battling with her own struggles. She knew how to pass on her love and memory and leave a legacy worth more than any possessions.

This story really touched me and I wanted to share it.

‎"And He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there shall no longer be any death; there shall no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away." - Revelations 21:4

Monday, August 8, 2011

We are God's Building Blocks

One of Zoey's favorite toys to play with are her building blocks. She loves ever kind, shape, size, and color. It doesn't matter what it looks like, she simply loves to create masterpieces with her blocks.

It reminds me of how God looks at us. We are God's building blocks. It doesn't matter what kind, shape, size or color we are, He loves us. And He can use us, ANYONE, to create great masterpieces.

"For God so LOVED the world that he GAVE His one and only Son, that whosoever BELIEVES in Him will not perish by have everlasting LIFE." John 3:16

Often times when Zoey is playing with her blocks they will fall down. It amazes me, but she doesn't get mad or angry. She simply picks them up and keep building.

No matter how often or how far we fall, He will not get mad at us, He will forgive us. Then He is help us pick up the pieces and build us up once again.

"Now I COMMIT you to God and to the word of his grace, which can BUILD YOU UP and give you inheritance among all those who are sanctified." Acts 20:32

Sometimes when Zoey will run out of blocks or she decides her master piece is complete she will look at it in great admiration and say "Ta Da!" And then she will knock the whole piece down. Before the next breath she will start building it again, this time even better than it was before.

Even when life is going smoothly and we are happy just the way were are we get knocked down. We feel the tumble, the fall and the hit when we reach the bottom, but the whole time God is in control. God looks at His masterpiece and smiles upon it. He may even say "Ta Da." But He knows it can be better. However, He has to knock down some pieces to implement the improvement.

"'For I know the PLANS I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to PROSPER you and not the harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a FUTURE.'" Jeremiah 29:11

We are God's building blocks. Though each one of us has our own legs to stand on, our own will to choose and our own shortcomings as human beings, we are God's own masterpieces. We may stumble, we may fall, but God is there to pick us up and make us stronger.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Dance Like No One is Watching

Dance Like No One Is Watching

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For other awesome Wordless Wednesday pictures visit: 5 Minutes for MomCreate with JoyLiving at the Whitehead's ZooCarrie with ChildrenAngelica's Awesome AdventuresThe Life of Rylie and BryceProject AliciaMom StartMama to 4 Blessings, and Mom Vantage.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Facing my Fears

I have not been sleeping well at night. This has been going on for quite some time now. I have realized for awhile that the devil attacks me as I try to fall asleep. This is the point in time when my mind is weakest and also most active. I don't feel anxious, but something must be bothering me, right? The devil will always attack, but what is it that is getting under my skin and causing me so much anxiety that I cannot sleep?

I have been thing about death a lot lately. For some reason my miscarriage-loss of my unborn baby-has been coming up a lot. Possibly because I would be getting big with baby by now, but possibly for another reason. I feel peace with that particular loss, but I think God is telling me something else now.

Then yesterday I found out that a friend from high school, Charlie Goode, lost his battle with cancer. He was a good person with a bright light in his soul. He will be truly missed. He touched many lives while he was on this Earth.

Generally speaking death does not rock me. There is a beauty in death and a celebration of life. Death usually brings a sense of wonder over me. That is, as long as it doesn't include my immediate family...mostly if it doesn't involve Zoey. Not even the thought of my own death bothers me incredibly much (although, I try not to dwell on that particular unknown too often.) But I cannot even think of Zoey or Stephen not being here without my heart aching. I know that by leaving this earthly body we go to spend our days with the Lord and that brings me comfort. However, it does not ease the ache of any thought involving loosing my baby.

I will wake up in the middle of the night with nightmares where Zoey dies. I can not fall asleep because my mind wanders to worst case scenarios. It is a subtle fear. One that I didn't even realize I harbored until God showed it to me last night during meditation and prayer about Charlie's death. But now that I realize this fear I realize it has been striking in full force. I can't believe I did realize the manifestation. At first it was just when my mind was weak and wandering, but progressed to even consuming me during conversations or stray thoughts and fill my head with worse case scenarios. Then I am gripped with fear.

Especially after experiencing a miscarriage, I recognize more than ever how absolutely precious Zoey's life is. Actually, those nightmares, trouble sleeping and gripping fears began when I had my miscarriage. It definitely started there. I remember actively battling the devil in my mind at night during that troubling time and I thought it was getting better, but it was just getting worse.

The irony is, I have made peace with the miscarriage and the baby I loss, but I am now fearful for the little girl I have. I want a big family and I love that little girl unconditionally.

Now what?


You will never guess what song I heard as I prayed.

"Voice of Truth" by Casting Crowns.

That makes three times that song has come on in my time of needing comfort and been EXACTLY what I needed to hear.

1. When I realized I was having a miscarriage
2. When I found out about Charlie's death
3. When I realize I was becoming increasingly fearful of my children's deaths.

The devil has been attacking me for some time on the last point. I say NO MORE! I am listening to the Voice of Truth and He says "DO NOT BE AFRAID!"

Last night I had a revelation and something broke loose in me. God is in control and He is greater than any of my fears. 

This morning, this verse is staring me in the face...

"I sought the Lord, and He answered me; He delivered me from ALL my fears." Psalm 34:4


I had the best night sleep last night than I have had in months.

***This has been an emotional journey I needed to take. Thank you for those who have taken it with me. I tend to get really quiet when I am "going through" something difficult. But I truly believe there is someone else out there who needs to hear this. You are not alone and God is the answer. When you are weak He is strong. So I am sharing my story, my struggle, and my victory in Jesus name.

"That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weakness, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:10 NIV

The Rest of the Journey:
Voice of Truth
Everything Happens For a Reason
Overcoming the Curse
My Miscarriage