Monday, February 28, 2011

Life is about the moments...

Today is a day where there is nothing big happening, but there are so many small things. Sometimes I have to take a minute to remember the small moments at home are just as important as the big adventures we take. Life can get so busy that you miss some the most special moments in life, especially with children who grow SO fast. So I'm going to take a minute and appreciate some of the small moments of the last couple of days.

Yesterday, Zoey tripped on the brick steps leading to our door. It wasn't really a big event, but it made me realize a couple of things:

One, I could handle it. I've never liked the idea of caring for injured kids (including Stephen), but this small challenge made me realize it will be okay. Also, I knew what to do. There was no panic and no indecision. That made me feel very confident. I could stay calm and take care of her. It made me feel very Mom-like.

Two, Zoey is such a rough and tumble kid and I LOVE that! Basically she tripped on her shoe and landed face first into the brick. It sounds horrible, but in the end not so bad. She scrapped off a little skin on one side of her nose and it bleed a little, and yes she cried (I would have too probably.) But then she looked at me and Stephen reassuring her and started to calm down. She was ready to play again before we even got it cleaned up all the way.

When Zoey takes a bath, one of the ways I let her know it's time to get out is to let the water start to drain. During this bath, the water ended up draining all the way out. I say "Okay, time to get out all the water is gone." What does Zoey do, but puts her head to the tub and starts slurping up water. I can't help but laugh. Zoey is already a smart-butt and she can't even make sentences yet.

The best time is when Zoey comes and sits in my lap and we cuddle. It happens all kinds of times during the day: when we watch cartoons in the mornings, when I'm working on something and she wants to help, when we cuddle with a book to read and even while she plays with blocks or little people. It's one of the small things that I want to treasure. Plus I love hugging her and stealing kisses while she is so close.

Zoey in her cute spring dress having an adventure in the backyard

Today, I put a cute springy dress on her to try to get some good pictures. We went outside like we've been doing since the weather warmed up and Zoey goes straight for the dirt pile. I think that is AWESOME! I love having the little girl with the cute sun-dress who plays in the dirt. I love how she explores and gets really excited about whatever she is doing. Besides, it's just dirt and it all comes out in the wash.

There are many moments that make a day and they are all precious. What is the saying? It's not the years of your life, but the life of your years. I think that about sums it up. I will love Zoey and Stephen everyday because I never want to regret any moments of my life.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A Beautiful Day for Yardwork!

Today was another beautiful day! We decided to spent some time outside working on the yard. It is actually one of our favorite things to do. Zoey is big enough now that she can help and she does. Zoey is a very big helper and is interested in all of the things we do.
The first thing we did (by we I really mean Stephen, but I pitch in too) was rake the pine around our garden spot so we could start a fire and burn all the branches that fell during the ice storms this winter. Zoey helped with the raking and moving pine straw.

Next we started a fire. Zoey helped with that too. She did really well about not going near the flames, but she wanted to see everything we did and helped us blow on the kindling to get it started. Before long, we had a good hot fire burning.

While the fire was heating up Zoey went on an adventure in the creek. (It's actually the runoff for the rain water, but creek sounds more adventurous.) She had her stick and started hiking. Every once in a while she would ramble on to herself about something she found in the water. It's pretty adorable, and well, every kid I know loves to play in the water.

Stephen and I also worked on uncovering this concrete foundation in the back yard. We can't figure out what in the world it was used for. There are three pits cut into it. If you have any ideas let me know. We want look at using it for a foundation to a shed because it seems really sturdy, but we will look into it a little more.

Stephen turned the water on so he could use the water hose to help control the fire because it was time to BURN things!!! (Yes, I have a small pyro side to me and I like fire.) Zoey loved helping with the watering hose. I showed her how to drink out of it (a lesson every kid should learn) and she had a blast with that.

I think we have a little scientist on our hands. Our faucet leaks where the hose meets the house (one of the many outside things to fix), so Zoey played with the leaking water. Then she found out that if she moved the hose around more water came out. She kept doing little experiments: she would move the hose at the top and then got about a foot further down until picking the hose up wouldn't make more water come out. It thought it was pretty cool that she was trying to figure it out.
After the fire started to die down, we ate lunch outside. Zoey really seemed to like this and ate up all her lunch. I just love spending time outside, especially while it isn't yet scorching hot with drinkable air (the South is wonderful, but is notorious for the humidity.)

Finally, our last project (Stephen's last project) was to get the pine straw off of the roof where it builds up on the gutters. Stephen climbed the ladder and did it pretty quickly. I wouldn't go up there, but Zoey wanted too. She got to about the second step. It was cute to watch her. I tried to explain the difference between the ladders we go up at the park and this one, but I'm not sure it really got through. Stephen came down again though and all was well.

We had a great day outside. It is good to the soul to get out and improve your yard and soak up some Vitamin D. I love that it is something we can do as a family. We are all outdoorsy people.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Why I love you...

This afternoon I told Zoey "I love you" as I do several times a day. And this time she looked at me with that "why" face complete with shrugged shoulders and "alejfrapoijgfKLSDFSJ" that she does.

It made me stop for a minute. I never really thought much about it. Of course I love you! You are the product of the love Stephen and I share. I knitted you together with part of myself whenever you were in my belly. You are beautiful and smart and such an individual. Of course I love you.

And then I realized...I was made to love you! Stephen and I were hand-picked from God to love YOU. You are gift from God and a part of us.

My Zoey seemed happy with my answer.

Sometimes it's good to stop and wonder why. Even though I know I love my Zoey with all of my heart, it's because of God's love for us that allows me to show it. And then I get big smiles because I know I am loved too!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Zoey Pets a Sheep

Zoey all ready for our Downtown adventure.

Last weekend was beautiful! So we decided we would spend the early afternoon downtown adventuring and treat ourselves to a yummy lunch. We decided to go down King's street, a part of town that we often don't visit, but Mellow Mushroom sounded perfect for lunch. (And it was!) It was about 20 blocks or so from where we parked. Zoey likes to be independent and walk herself so we carried her stroller (a small one) and let her walk. To our amazement so walked the ENTIRE WAY! She is such a little trooper. It was a little slow, but we didn't care, it was just another way to enjoy the beautiful day. She would walk up stairs, balance on a sidewalk beam, and even stopped at a pretty house, which turned out to be on the tour of the city, who knew?

We ate and then decided to check out all the excitement on Marion's square instead of just heading to the waterfront like we normally would. There was a lot going on, bouncy buildings, which seemed like fun but we were (let's face it) to old and Zoey too young for these. So we walked on past lots of food, business vendors and people in general. Then on the other side of the park is a petting zoo! Too cool!

Zoey saying "oh no" when the sheep pooped.

Zoey loved all of the animals! Especially the sheep. I told her that the sheep said "baa" (we've been working on animal sounds, so this was a perfect learning experience.) She copied me and said "baa, baa, baa, baa." We kept trying to show her that there were many different animals to see (which we did get around too), but she was only interested in the sheep for a while.

Zoey becokoning the sheep to her with "baas"

Her persistence paid off. The sheep was sitting uninterested for a while, but then beckoned to Zoey's calls. The sheep stood up and came toward Zoey. I thought it was really cool. I think Zoey realized the sheep was a lot bigger than it looked lying down. But she was brave enough to go up to it and she even pet it! The sheep had grown so fond of her that she followed her where ever she walked along the fence.

The sheep following Zoey, made for a cool picture though

Zoey eventually took our encouragement to see the other animals too. She went by the yak, zebra and camel with some interest, but little compared to the sheep. And what does she find on the other side of the petting zoo tent? More sheep. These were male sheep, so I suppose that makes them rams. And she just sat there looking at them. She didn't call to these like the one she friended earlier, but she was very interested.

Zoey watching and just appreciating the sheep, I mean rams

Kids are funny in what they find interesting. I wouldn't have thought sheep to be that interesting, but Zoey found them fascinating! She found the whole experience fascinating. We ended up not doing much that afternoon, just lunch and the little petting zoo tent, but Zoey was content (and ready for a much needed nap.) However, even as we started walking back to the car she would point to things and ramble on about them. It's so cool to see how she experiences the world.

Zoey appreciating everything around her

Every day with Zoey is an adventure, but this was one that we will remember for a while. I know she learned a lot that day because when we got home she went to play with her little people farm and went straight to the sheep saying "baa." The world is so much more interesting through a toddler's eyes and I am trying to learn to appreciate it in that manner and not take anything or anyone for granted.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

In Memory of Maddie

This is not someone I know, but this is a story that moved me in a way I can hardly explain...

I came across this blog and this story through a friend. This family lost their daughter suddenly at four months...they are "putting her to rest" today. You can read her story.

In remembrance of her daughter Maddie, she asked that everyone wear bows today because they were Maddie's favorite and that she herself would be wearing a bow today. Well, those who know Zoey knows that she never wears bows and has never had any interest in them. Today, Zoey found the one bow that we owned an insisted on wearing it. I didn't think much of it, but encouraged her to wear the bow. A few hours later, I stumble on this blog, this woman's unreal story and this request...wear a bow in memory of this beautiful little girl. I read on and of course I cried.

Zoey picked today of all days to find the one bow she owns and insists on wearing it. I just happen to find this woman's story and her request to wear bows. Coincidence....I don't believe in coincidences. I believe God has a plan for our lives and he is in the hearts of people everywhere. The easiest place to see Him is in the eyes of a child. Whether Zoey realizes it or not, I think she found this bow to wear in Memory of Maddie, a girl she never even met.

Makes you realize just how quickly your whole life can change. Love those around you with all your heart and make sure they know it!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Motherhood: 18 months experience

There is no doubt, being a mom is the toughest job a woman could ever love. It is an old and tired clique, but so true! Zoey turned 18 months last week and I am so proud. Like every mom, I think she is the most beautiful and smart girl alive. Of course that is bias. I just get so excited by her willingness to learn. We are working on the alphabet now. She makes a sound and points to letters that are anywhere: handwritten, in a book, on a shirt, her name train, foam letters in the bathtub... No, all the sounds are not to the correct letter, but she realizes that letters make sounds, which I think is pretty awesome to start! We love doing crafts and reading books and watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (Oh Toodles!). Seeing Zoey light up when she figures something out, or carries a toy all the way across the room to shoe me, or dance to a good song is the best reward and always makes my day. Yes, being a mom is hard work, but also so much fun and I wouldn't trade it for anything!