Friday, November 29, 2013

Overflow with Thankfulness - Colossians 2:6-7

Colossians 2:6-7 -- “6 And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. 7 Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.”

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True thankfulness is not something that we can master on our own. We humans are selfish people, who do not naturally give or offer thanks. We want to take the credit, we want recognition and power. We want to show the world what we have done.

However, God does not work that way. God wants what we do to be for the good of all, not just for ourselves. God wants us to love one another. We cannot do that I we are only looking out for ourselves.

James 2:26 -- “Just as the body is dead without breath, so also faith is dead without good works.”

Our actions and our good works come from our faith, we do not gain faith by doing good works. When we build our lives on His truth and follow our Lord Jesus Christ, our faith will grow. As our faith grows, our heart will overflow with thankfulness.

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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving! - Ephesians 5:20

Ephesians 5:20 - “And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

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Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Today is a day to give thanks for everything the Lord has given us. Thanksgiving is a good reminder to give thanks, but just because it is over we should not forget to give thanks to the Lord every day of the year. Remember to give thanks tomorrow and the day after that too. God guards us and guides us through all of our days, let’s seek Him and thank Him each and every day.

I pray that you have a day full of joy, peace and fellowship. God bless you!

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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Let the Peace of Christ Rule in Your Hearts - Colossians 3:15

Colossians 3:15 -- “And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful.”

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Life is full of stress, especially around this time of year. There is much to plan, many people with very different, even contrasting personalities, coming together in small spaces for possible long periods of time. There is a lot to keep track of, to navigate and control the inevitable chaos.

However stressed the situation has the potential to be, God does not want you burdened or full of fear. Unfortunately that is what stress does to you, it puts fear in your heart, which then leaves no room for God’s peace.

Isaiah 41:10 -- “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.”

God does not want us to fear. He is our God and He wants to strengthen us and give us victory. Sometimes that victory is as simply as getting through the holidays with peace in our hearts. Let God rule there, cast all of your burdens on Him and He will give you rest.
We are called to be together is peace, we are commanded to love one another. The truth is, no matter how stressful the holidays are, God is stronger. He is stronger than the stress. He is stronger than the chaos. And He will grant us peace. 

He will give us the true perspective that those same people who cause you stress are the very people that God wants us to be thankful for. We are all God’s children and He wants us to love each other, no matter what. So be thankful this season, for everything God has blessed you with and let His peace rule in your heart.

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

His Saving Power - Psalm 98:1

Psalm 98:1 -- “Sing a new song to the Lord, for he has done wonderful deeds. His right hand has won a mighty victory; his holy arm has shown his saving power!”

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When times of difficulty come, it is hard to remember all the things that God has done for you. We easily get caught up in the moment and what is directly in front of us, and lose perspective of what God is capable of. Even if God just saved you from something big, the next small thing can hinder you and get you off track as another big thing would.

Our God is a Mighty God and He already secured victory over the enemy when Jesus died on the cross. He has saving power that He provides for us day in and day out.

Life is full of ups and down and it is normal to go through seasons of confidence and seasons of doubt. When God does something great in your life, make a note of it so you can look back to it in your low moments when you feel away from God. Remembering those moments that you felt close to Him with bring you back to Him and that closeness we all prefer.

God is with you always. He has done wonderful deeds. Be thankful for all He has done for you and give Him praise. He will humble you in your ups and He will comfort you in your downs. Be thankful He is there, no matter what season of your life you are in. And always remember His saving power.

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Monday, November 25, 2013

Always Be Thankful - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 -- “16 Always be joyful. 17 Never stop praying. 18 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”

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Jesus wants us to be joyful. Isn't that amazing! Christ came to earth, sacrificed His life to save us so that we could have joy. That blows my mind. Christ cared enough for me that He wants me to cast out my doubt, my worry, my fear, my stress and all of my concerns and be joyful.

But it doesn't stop there. He doesn't expect us to just cast those cares aside. No! He tells us to cast them onto Him!

Matthew 11:28 -- “Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”

That is why we can never stop praying! We must stay in communication with the One who will take all of our burdens and replace them with peace. Our lives are not always (or ever) easy, but Christ will give us strength to overcome any obstacle this world can throw at Him.

Be thankful in all circumstances because no matter what the enemy or our imperfect human nature, none of it is stronger or more powerful that God’s will for us. We have a Father who is ready to have our back in an circumstance. We belong to Christ Jesus and He will guard us and guide us through the best and worst of times.

Never stop praying because the Lord Jesus Christ will transform all of your burdens into joy and give you a peace that only He can offer. That is something beautiful to be thankful for!

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Friday, November 22, 2013

Praise God For All He Has Given You - Deuteronomy 8:10

Deuteronomy 8:10 -- “When you have eaten your fill, be sure to praise the Lord your God for the good land he has given you.”

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We often do not realize how good we really have it. I worry about whether we will have money to go on vacation or fix the car if it breaks. I worry about whether to send my daughter to public school or homeschool her. I worry about what to wear to church on Sunday or if what I said in Sunday school was helpful anyone.

However, some do not have enough money to feed their family the next meal. Some people don’t have cars and vacations are only a dream. Some people can not offer their children education because it is not even provided where they live. Some people do not have clothes to change into because what is on their back is all they own. Some people will go to jail if they try to go to church or praise God in public. There are many people who do not have the freedom to speak or the resources to do most of what we take for granted.

Considering these differences really brings human struggle into perspective. I can’t decide whether to finish the food on my plate while others are having to sacrifice clothing to put food in their stomachs. I sit in my nice house with food stocked in the pantry and a selection of clothes to wear the next day and I worry. Now I’m wondering, about what?

If we are sick, we go to the doctor. If we are lacking food, we go to the grocery store. If we are lacking anything, we just go get it. Even if tragedy were to happen, which is what I really worry about, I know that God is in control and that my family and I are saved and will spend eternity together with God. What about those who don’t know Christ?

God blesses each of us in unique ways because we are all made special in His eyes. No matter what you have, how much or how little, praise God. The fact that you are alive and breathing here on earth means that He can use you to fulfill His mission to reach out to all of His children in the world. Praise God for all of the good He has given you!

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

A Confident Heart: Week 6 - The Real Me

Before I was saved, I was extremely fearful, often depressed and way too angry. For a long time, that is who I thought I was. I didn't understand my potential in Christ because I didn't know Him yet. I wasn't sure how I could help anyone else, I mean, I couldn't even help myself.

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I remember when my friend, actually a girl I barely knew, invited me to church. I was so confused that I said yes without really realizing was I was agreeing too. But it seemed it was time for me to hear God's truth and how it applied to me because Jesus gripped me almost immediately and He wasn't letting go. I began to understand that God had a purpose for me and it wasn't being trapped in depression. I slowly began to break free in a way only God can do. I began to see what freedom in Christ really meant.

John 8:36 -- "So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free."

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However, this wasn't the end of my struggles. Now, I knew Christ, but I was also always looking for the acceptance of the people around me. I wanted other to like me so I could then like myself. Just as I began to step out into my freedom, I found myself trapped in another kind of bondage.

Galatians 5:1 -- "So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law."

It was hard for me to find the real me because I was to insecure to ask the right questions of myself or that I was anything special to begin with. However, through this time, God knew my heart and walked with me as I navigated the slippery slope of gaining confidence in Christ. Sometimes I had abundance and other times I was full of doubts.

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Joshua 1:9 -- "This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

The Lord calls you to be strong and courageous and to not be afraid. But He also promises to be with you wherever you go. I rested on this verse, I spoke this verse over my life for many years and I still have reminders up around my house of this truth.

Over several years, God sent my people who would build me up in faith and who would show me how to find confidence in the Lord. One of those people was my now husband. He found me when I was still broken, a believer, but not a confident one. The first Christmas when we were still dating, he gave me a Bible with the promise that we would find the answers I was looking for together. And we have been, for over eight years now.

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God does not just give us a calling and says, "good luck." No, He gives us the details, the direction, the resources, people to challenge and encourage you and He walks beside you through all of the doubts to bring us confidence through the faithful deliverance of His promises.

Even now, I still have to stop and remember who the real me is, but now I know it is in the Lord Jesus Christ. I know I have a purpose and a calling to reach out to others through teaching and testimony. I know that I am meant for more than fear and depression. I am a beloved child of God who knows peace through His grace and joy through His love.

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The real me can do anything through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13). I am confident in a God who loves me faithfully (Psalm 117:2).


This inspiration comes from a 
Bible study I am doing through 

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Thank You God For Flourishing Faith and Growing Love - 2 Thessalonians 1:3

2 Thessalonians 1:3 -- “Dear brothers and sisters, we can’t help but thank God for you, because your faith is flourishing and your love for one another is growing.”

When I set my sights on a goal, I want to complete it as quickly and efficiently as I can. However, when my goal is to become “like-Christ,” it never really gets checked off because I am always learning and growing through His love for me.

God is teaching me that I don’t have to wait until a task is finished to be thankful, but to give thanks throughout the entire process. Paul is talking to the church at Thessalonica in this verse, and though though they are still learning and growing, he says “we can’t help but thank God for you.”

He doesn't say we can’t thank God for you because you are not yet perfect. He says “we can’t help” but thank God because of all the progress they've made. God knows that we aren't perfect and we won’t be until He brings us home to Him. So why do we expect ourselves to be? It is a question I have to remind myself of all the time. I want to strive to be perfect, to imitate Christ, but when I am doing my best and when my heart is for the Lord, there is nothing more I can do, but ask forgiveness and then forgive myself for falling short of God’s glory.

I can say, I can’t help by thank God for the effect of my faith flourishing. I am quicker to rely on Him who gives me strength. I can find peace in the unpredictable (more often than not at least.) I can be kind and joyful even during the chaos. These are traits I could not have without the power of Christ in me.

Others around us, our friends and family, our church members, the person behind the cash register, the driver beside us on the highway...none of us are perfect. We are flawed and we fail. However, through Christ, our love for one another can and will grow. And that is something worth being thankful for.

I am thankful that I can forgive others and that they can forgive me. I am thankful that God forgives me and encourages me to grow in love and flourish in my faith. I am thankful that I am learning how to forgive myself and rely on God’s strength to guard and guide me on this wonderful journey we call life.

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sing Songs of Thanks - 1 Chronicles 23:30

1 Chronicles 23:30 -- “And each morning and evening they stood before the Lord to sing songs of thanks and praise to him.”

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I love to sing. However, I sing very off key and have trouble carrying a tune. Do you think that bothers the Lord? I don’t.

We sing in our car to the radio, maybe in the shower, at a concert, perhaps even in a church service. But are those songs ever addressed to God? Are they ever songs of thanks and praise? Honestly, mine aren’t, not even most of the ones during the church service. I sing because there is someone next to me who is going to think I do not love God if I don’t sing. I mean how bad is that? I’m not thinking about God, I’m thinking about what someone next to me is thinking.

What if we changed our perspective? What if I stopped thinking about the person next to me and started focusing on God? How powerful would those worship songs be then? If I lifted God up while I sang in the car or the shower, how much more joyful would my day be? I would guess a lot.

What if each morning we began the day with a song, a prayer, even just an acknowledgment of thanksgiving and praise to the Lord who provides everything for us? What if we end each evening thanking Him for our day, our lives, our loved ones and for just being who He is for us?

That is my challenge for myself over the next couple weeks - to intentionally give thanks through prayer and song at the beginning and the end of my day. I pray that you would also consider this challenge. I am excited for the Lord to work in me and help me change my perspective - to stop thinking about the opinions of those around me and start thinking about the opinion of the One who created me.

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Wordless Wednesday *Linky* Elephants at the Zoo

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Give Thanks - Psalm 106:1

Psalm 106:1 -- “Praise the Lord! Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.”

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Simply because we believe in the power of Christ does not mean that our days will be without trouble. And it does not mean that we will live our lives without doubt. Our goal should always be to imitate Christ: to be kinder, to be gentler, to have self-control, to live in peace and joy and to always love God and our neighbor. However, we are human. I am human. You are human. And we are bound to fall short sooner or later.

With the upcoming holidays comes greater stress but it also brings greater joy. If you are like me, you are juggling family visits, grocery lists, the extra costs of that family and grocery list, more events happening in the church and community, and a running list of “I want this for Christmas!” Well maybe you have it more together than I do, perhaps more organized. But this is the reality of the holiday season for me.

Before I get consumed by the chaos, I hear God whispering “Be still.” I take a deep breath. “And know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).

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This time of year can be great joy, but it can also be great sorrow for some. It can be a time of peace and chaos in the same moment. Cherish every moment! Give thanks to the Lord for all He has done. Even though times of struggle occur, God is still watching over you, guarding and guiding you along your way.

Our God is good. Look around you. That family that is driving you crazy is a blessing. Even when they are loud and fighting, they are God’s children that you have the privilege to know, grow with and love no matter what, just as God loves us.

When we feel drained, worn out, stressed out and overwhelmed. God is still working. He is still covering us with His love. And He still whispers “Be still and know I am God.” He has it all under control, even the things that feel out of our control. He is good and His faithful love endures forever. So let’s give thanks to God for the peaceful chaos of the season and for all the many blessings He provides each of us.

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