Monday, April 23, 2012

Grow Seeds Grow

We are a little late getting our garden started this year, so we are taking the opportunity to start from seeds. I figured this would be a good chance to show Zoey where our vegetables come from and how plants grow. It's amazing how so many everyday projects provide great opportunities to learn.

Stephen got me this awesome seed starting greenhouse kit. It has dirt pellets that expand to fill the containers. Then you sew the seed and the climate of the kit helps it grow.

Zoey had a lot of fun playing with the dirt. She helped me get the soil to expand and fill up each spot in the kit.

When we were finished it looked like this. We spread the soil out to make the entire tray even. Next we planted the seeds. Zoey got a little carried away and we ended up with more seeds in the tray than we needed, but she understood what we were doing, which made me very excited.

Next we watered the seeds. The only thing better than playing with dirt to a kid is being able to play with dirt and water. She did very well and poured the water into her watering can to sprinkle over our seeds.

In the end, this is what our greenhouse seeds looked like. I'm really excited about getting the garden started. I think Zoey is going to be a big helper in the garden this year. She was interested and helpful last year. This year she is going to learn so much. I'm glad we have the space and time to teach her these concepts so young. And we get to eat the produce, which is the best thing of them all.

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