Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Confident Heart: Week 3 - Keep Moving Forward

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This has been a very emotional week for me. This past weekend my dad had a stroke. I was a mild one, but still emotional. He is home now and doing well, Praise the Lord!

When I began this week of "A Confident Heart," thinking about past pain, I assumed I would once again speak about my miscarriages. But I pretty much covered that last week in my post titled, "God's Unfailing Love."

Instead, God placed something else on my heart to explore. We all have pain from the past, and yes it is very important to deal with so we can move forward. But what happens to the pain, the struggle, we are dealing with right now?

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When I got the phone call about my Dad, I immediately feared the worst. I am so thankful that God had His hand on him and he is already healing wonderfully. However, before I knew that, the fear and anxiety had already gripped me. And for a very real minute, my circumstances seemed greater than God.

Now, I am having a hard time letting that go. I look back and feel shame for that moment. It didn't matter that I was at an emotional low or that the news blindsided me. I am supposed to be growing in spiritual maturity, not failing around in the arms of doubt. I should have gone to God first and believed in the very first moment that God was wholeheartedly in control.

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Once the initial shock wore off, I began to pray and I still haven't stopped. That should have been my initial response, to have faith, not fear. However, I had to wait for my emotional onslaught to calm down before I could do what I knew in my heart was all that I could do - pray.

It only took a moment. One moment for my entire perspective to shift. It only took a moment for doubt to come in and overtake me.

Even now that I know everything is alright and that my Dad may even come out of this better than he went in if he upholds his promise to live healthier. Somehow the doubt, that shadow, is still over me. It is like I'm seeing through a fuzzy glass, I can't concentrate, and I am having trouble really holding onto the peace I know God promises. I feel it slipping through my fingers.

I don't want to live in fear or respond in anger. I've been there before and it wasn't good. I want to over come the doubt, I want to keep moving forward.

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Just like Jesus when He was tempted, I use scriptures to combat the enemy:

Philippians 4:6 -- "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God."

Romans 8:28 -- "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

John 10:10 -- "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

John 8:36 -- "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."

Jeremiah 29:11 -- "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Isaiah 40:31 -- "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."

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I am human. I am not perfect. But my God is. I faulted, letting doubt slip in, but it doesn't have to stay there. I serve a Mighty God who forgives completely. I am weak, but He is strong. I hold onto God's promise of hope despite my pain. I pray to be free - to break through the bonds of doubt once again.

We will continue to be tempted, especially by doubt, for as long as we live. But God has overcome the world and He lives in me. I will keep moving forward, covered by God's love and His strength.

Check out my Daily Devotions:
 Tales From A Mother - Daily Devotionals 


This inspiration comes from a 
Bible study I am doing through 

Happy Halloween! - John 1:5

John 1:5 -- "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

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Halloween seems to be one holiday that Christians, as a whole, have trouble wrapping their heads around. I suppose it is because it stems from traditional pagan holidays. I'm not going to mention that many other essential holidays began as pagan traditions. But Halloween has been one that we can't create a biblical connection to, so we tend to turn our nose at it or ignore it all together.

We fear that it is a night when Satan rules. This is only true if we let it happen. Jesus gave us authority over Satan because He holds the keys of death and Hades (Revelation 1:18). Why are we afraid of Halloween? Why do we fear the evil of the world more on this one night? 

John 10:10 -- "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

God doesn't want us to live in fear! 

Satan holds onto the shadows surrounding Halloween because the Church is afraid to face it. Jesus came so that we may have life and have it to the fullest! So don't hide, don't wall up in your churches. Go out, have fun, and share God's light in a world full of darkness. 

I admit, the world is full of evil, but God is in control of the world. And by being afraid or ignoring the night of Halloween, we are missing an opportunity to love on our neighbors and share why we can live our life to the fullest. We can shine light into the darkness because the darkness will not overcome it!

Happy Halloween!
 Tales From A Mother - Daily Devotionals 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

It Takes All Kinds - Matthew 5:43-44

Matthew 5:43-44 -- "You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you!"

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It is easy to love someone who is lovable. But what about the rest of the world? What about the ones who really need your love?

What about the bully who is beaten at home? What about the depressed teenager who feels abandoned by divorce? What about the aggressive kid who is ignored at home? Can you love them? Jesus does.

What about the person who you are constantly butting heads with, who challenges you and frustrates you all the time? Can you love that person?

God puts all kinds of people in your life to teach you things about yourself and about God. God puts some people in you life so you can share God's love. Some of those people who irritate you so have never known a day of peace. Some of those who take advantage of you have never known a kind heart or felt the affects of unfailing love.

When we stop concentrating on how unfair it is to be surrounded by these hard people. When we stop looking at "me" then you can reach out and see where God is showing you to reach out to others who need to know His love and His protection. God is with you, always, guarding and guiding you on your journey as you shine His light into dark places.

It takes all kinds of people to do God's work. Many have been beaten and broken, but Jesus came to save us and make us whole. I challenge you to allow Jesus to make you whole. But don't stop there. Then show others God's love so they can be saved and be made whole as well.

To love your enemies means to let go of yourself and allow God work in the hearts of all His beloved people.
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 Tales From A Mother - Daily Devotionals 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Wordless Wednesday *Linky* Ribbit!

Link up and join in the Wordless Wednesday fun!
 Tales From A Mother - Daily Devotionals 

Intentional Acts of Love - Hebrews 10:24

Hebrews 10:24 -- "Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works."

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When we enter into a personal relationship with God, it is first and foremost between you and God. That relationship is powerful on its own and breeds love and strength that only God can offer.

However, that love and strength is exponentially exemplified when other people join with you in one accord. When one person joins in Christ's mission to step out and reach people with love an hope, it is good. When many step out, joining in Christ's mission, it can become a force that will change the world.

Matthew 18:20 -- "For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them."

There are ways to carry out Christ's mission everyday. If we are paying attention, God provides situations for us to perform small acts of love and good words all the time.

But what if, instead of waiting for God to come to us with ways to help, we go to God? What if we reach out and pray for God to give us ways to show others His love. What if we don't stop there, what if we ask God to show us ways to get others involved in performing acts of love and good works. Let us not leave our outreach to chance. Let us be purposeful, intentional and take action to move God's Kingdom forward by reaching to people in need to show other love and good woks. When we intentional join together, God can work extraordinary miracles.
 Tales From A Mother - Daily Devotionals 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Fruits of the Spirit: Day 11 - Conclusions

Over the last couple weeks, we have been studying the Fruits of the Spirit. They are characteristics that God has exemplified for us to follow. These are ways that we can grow to be more like Christ in our daily attitudes and actions. I have greatly enjoyed going through these traits and I have learned a lot about myself, who I want to be and who God is through them.

The amazing part is that even with as much as I've learned, if I started over with love again tomorrow, I would learn even more. That is the beauty of the Bible, God's Living Word to us. No matter how much we learn and grow, there is always something new that God wants to share with us. I am excited to continue in my journey to learn and grow through His Word. I challenge you to read God's Word for yourself and let Him speak through it to you personally.

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The Bible is like a big road map in how to live and get the most out of our life. God gives us this map to grow in our faith as we get to know the Lord, our Creator, better. It is seen, told, exemplified and summarized throughout the entire Bible. However, this one example has always struck a chord of reverence in me, especially when it comes to the Fruits of the Spirit.

2 Peter 1:5-7 -- "In view of all this, make every effort to respond to God’s promises. Supplement your faith with a generous provision of moral excellence, and moral excellence with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with patient endurance, and patient endurance with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love for everyone."

To grow in faith, first we must learn to do the right thing. That means to go in the direction God is leading you. Secondly, you must put that conscious choice into your heart. You will continue to grow in knowledge and wisdom of which way God is leading you.

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Once you begin to understand and can consistently respond and go in the direction of God's leading, stay that way. Continue to express self-control and obey God's callings. Then you must learn to patiently endure, even when God's calling is not easy or convenient. You must endure even when you don't want to because you know God has called you here and he has great, perfect plans for you. Only then can you be godly, holy and set apart as God's child.

There is no doubt in you faith and the perfection of God's will, you simply obey. You say yes to His callings. When you have faith with God in a solid, constant state, they you can begin to reach out and show God's love to others. You become a light in the darkness and others see you as different from the world, something wonderful in your life that they want in theirs.

After brotherly affection, being able to deal with others, you then enter into agape (1 Corinthians 13:4-7). This is the selfless, unconditional love that God has for us.

The truth is that most of us, including myself, will probably never reach this level of God's characteristics. But, that doesn't mean we don't continuously seek them out and strive to be a little better today than we were yesterday and a little better tomorrow than we were today.

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We cannot reach any of these Fruits of the Spirit without God's help. We live in a world of darkness and chaos, covered with sin. Only God can show us how to implement these Spirit filled characteristics that lead to perfect harmony. Only by imitating the One who loved us to become a sinless sacrifice and save us can we fulfill His purpose in us. We must join our life with His, make His mission our mission and communicate regularly and intimately with Him. We must seek to fulfill the greater intentions of the Law - the love God with our heart, mind and soul and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Matthew 22:37-39 -- "Jesus replied, "'You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself."

Pray and ask God to help you begin to live by the Fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

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It is not going to happen overnight, but God knows that. You may even want to choose one and work only on that one for a while, then you can move on to another. But be diligent and prayerful and you will see great changes in your attitude, your responses and overall in your life.

God will show you victory when you are diligent and obey His calling. Learning to assume God's characteristics is always in His calling - "there is no law against these things" (Galatians 5:23). I pray that you find encouragement and begin to seek our a closer commitment with God today.
Day 2 - Love            
Day 3 - Joy              
Day 4 - Peace          
Day 5 - Patience       
Day 6 - Kindness      

Friday, October 25, 2013

Fruits of the Spirit: Day 10 - Self-control

Galatians 5:22-23 -- "But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!"

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We live in a world of instant gratification. Communication and information are at our fingertips. Food and clothing are a short trip to the store. We don't have to work hard to get what we need anymore. I understand we do put in long hours to earn money to buy those things. However, we do not have to toil for weeks to make our clothes, raise animals to slaughter for our food or even grow our own crops to harvest each season. We can do these things, in fact I enjoy making clothes and growing crops, but we do them for purposes of pleasure, not survival.

With the never ending need-it-now world we see everyday, it is not wonder our self-control is lacking. However, even back in the Old Testament times the people had issues with self-control. This goes to show that it is less about our surroundings and more about a matter of the heart.

In Exodus, when Moses went up to receive the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai, the Israelites became impatient and lost their self control:

Exodus 32:1 -- "When the people saw how long it was taking Moses to come back down the mountain, they gathered around Aaron. “Come on,” they said, “make us some gods who can lead us. We don’t know what happened to this fellow Moses, who brought us here from the land of Egypt."

How often do we do that. We say, "God You are taking to long! I'll just handle it!" We choose another path and make decisions without God, which inevitably lead us from His plan for us.

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Exodus 32:35 -- "Then the Lord sent a great plague upon the people because they had worshiped the calf Aaron had made."

How often do we go our own way only to be followed by "great plagues?" We lose sight of He who makes all life possible. We stray from His perfect plan for us and begin to wander becoming lost in the world.

The Israelites knew something about wandering too:

Numbers 14:33 -- "And your children will be like shepherds, wandering in the wilderness for forty years. In this way, they will pay for your faithlessness, until the last of you lies dead in the wilderness."

But even after their disobedience and wandering, God blessed His people:

Deuteronomy 33:3 -- "Indeed, he loves his people; all his holy ones are in his hands. They follow in his steps
and accept his teaching."

That blessing goes for us too and He continues to love us, no matter what. He loves us so much, He sent His Son to die in order to save us. There is no greater love. 

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We must seek Him out and pray that we can keep His love as the focus of our lives. And we can pray that He will help us gain the important characteristic of self-control to resist the idea that the way of the world will fulfill us. I does not. No matter how many luxuries or people you have in your life it will not be enough. No matter how fast you can gain information and knowledge, it will not fulfill you. There is only one who can fulfill the desires of our heart and that is Jesus Christ.
Day 2 - Love            
Day 3 - Joy              
Day 4 - Peace          
Day 5 - Patience       
Day 6 - Kindness      
 Tales From A Mother - Daily Devotionals 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

A Confident Heart: Week 2 - God's Unfailing Love

It's been just over a year now since I had my last miscarriage. Three miscarriages over the span of not quite two years. It is a statistic I wish I did not have to claim. Those two years were some of the most lost, frustrating, depressing and doubting times of my entire life. I'd known loneliness and depression before, but this was different, it was my rock bottom. That was the most pain, physically and emotionally, that I had ever experienced. It felt too much to bear. 

Why God? Why have you forsaken me?

It was here, at my lowest moment, that God found me. It was while I was calling out to Him in anger that He answered me in love.

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God put on my heart one of the simplest and most important scriptures:

John 3:16 -- "For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life."

It is also fair to mention here that this was one of the only scriptures I knew for God to lay on my heart. You see, I knew God, but we weren't really very close. I had Him in my head, but He was about to find His way into my heart.

When God put John 3:16 on my heart, He didn't stop there. He wanted my attention and I was broken enough that He got it - undivided. I was sick of pain and heartbreak. I was desperately ready to be refilled.

God was telling me how much He loved me. He sent His Son to die. Just as my unborn child died, before I ever knew her. God knew my pain. God cared about my pain. More importantly, God knows my baby. My beautiful unborn babies are safely in the arms of God. And He had something else to tell me.

I remember sitting on our back porch listening to the radio and watching my 3 year old daughter play with our dog wishing I was pregnant instead of sad when God spoke to my heart.

This is not about your pain. This is about something much greater happening to you and to all of those that you touch.

I was confused at first. But it sent me into a time of contemplation and meditation and I dove into God's Word with a quest, the beginning of the renewal I was seeking. Slowly, God allowed me to understand.

When God sent His Son to the earth, He knew He was going to die a harsh, tragic death. He sent Him anyway. That is hard to imagine as a parent - it would be impossible to bear. But God is stronger than everything and He makes all for the good of those He loves.

Romans 8:28 -- "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them."

There was a purpose. Even though it caused great pain, it had to happen. Jesus had to come and He had to die. It was all according to God's purpose for His people. It was worth the pain to see His people saved.

God expressed the importance of God's purpose. It isn't easy, no one wants pain. But there are times when we must bear the pain to understand that the victory coming is worth it.

Psalm 13:5-6
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God's love is unfailing. In my darkest moment, God sought me out and spoke to my heart. He promised that my pain wasn't wasted, that there was something much greater happening and it was time to get prepared.

Psalm 36:7 -- "How precious is your unfailing love, O God!All humanity finds shelter in the shadow of your wings."

God's unfailing love is #priceless! He comforts us with His love when we feel lost and depressed. While I was in the shadow of His wings I began to read the Bible and seek Him more. It was after this specific comforting that God put on my heart the mission to reach out to others, especially women. My first step was to get more connected with my local church. After that, God put on my heart to begin a daily devotion on my blog, which I am still diligently writing thanks to His grace.

I still look back at that time with heartache, but I know that it was through that struggle that God called me back to Him. I know Him better, more intimately and more enthusiastically than I ever have before. He has begun my mission to reach out and share my ever-growing love of Christ with others. It began with my blog, in my church and in my community. I pray that God continues to show me ways and gives me opportunities to share in new ways and reach different people.

I would not be who I am today without God finding me in that dark moment and wrapping me in His unfailing love.

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One of my favorite artists, Casting Crowns has several songs that I have gone to through these difficult years.
One is "Voice of Truth" that I heard on the way home after learning about my first miscarriage. It was exactly what I needed to know that God was looking out for me. The other one is "Lifesong," which always makes me want to raise my hands and sing at the top of my lungs at the wonder of God. And then there is "Praise You In The Storm." This is one of the go-to songs for times of trouble, but it is that for a reason. It is healing and a true reminder of God's love and purpose for us. 

"Praise You In The Storm" by Casting Crowns

Dear Lord, 
No matter what happens, even in times of darkness, I know that you love me and that you always have great purpose for everything. I will praise you in the storm and I will seek always to be closer to you and your unfailing love! Amen.

Check out my Daily Devotions:
 Tales From A Mother - Daily Devotionals 


This inspiration comes from a 
Bible study I am doing through 

Fruits of the Spirit: Day 9 - Gentleness

Galatians 5:22-23 -- "But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!"

We live in a harsh, fast-paced, and loud world. It is no surprise that we can easily become stressed, bitter and boisterous. Many times through trials and struggles, the gentleness of our hearts disappears.

It is not an easy thing to be set apart from the world, but that is what God calls us to do as His Holy people. We are to turn down the normal ways to deal with problems we face and have faith that God will provide for us.

We must set aside our response of anger, revenge and malice to take on characteristics of Christ. The Lord may not deal with others in the way we want Him to, but His is not worried about our sinful pride. He is a just God and the sin of the world will be judged. It is none of our concern as to how He does it, only to have faith it will be done.

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2 Timothy 2:24-26 -- "A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must be kind to everyone, be able to teach, and be patient with difficult people. Gently instruct those who oppose the truth. Perhaps God will change those people’s hearts, and they will learn the truth. Then they will come to their senses and escape from the devil’s trap. For they have been held captive by him to do whatever he wants."

We must be kind to others, always in an attempt to show love and mercy instead of hate. We must answer and correct with gentleness and compassion. We cannot change the hearts of people, but God can.

When we respond to others with hate, harsh words and contempt, we can easily drive them away from God. When we, as Christians, do not show the love of Christ, the people do not care to know Christ at all. We must be careful not to judge others. The world is full of sin. Jesus would not have needed to comes save it if it wasn't.

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Matthew 7:1 -- "Do not judge others, and you will not be judged."

We must approach others in gentleness because when the tides turn, we also want to be approached with gentleness and compassion, not accusation.

Proverbs 25:15 -- "Patience can persuade a prince, and soft speech can break bones."

There are moments in life when a gentle Spirit can tear down walls that the strongest words or well versed argument can't touch. Sometimes we need to remember that it is okay to be human, to be imperfect, because God loves us anyway. And He forgives, even builds on our mistakes. It does not give us a pass to sin; instead, it allows us to show compassion and gentleness to others despite sin, even to ourselves. No matter how great or small the sin, love is always greater than evil.

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Day 2 - Love            
Day 3 - Joy              
Day 4 - Peace          
Day 5 - Patience       
Day 6 - Kindness      
 Tales From A Mother - Daily Devotionals