Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 15: I'd Rather Do Anything But Clean


Though, that is not entirely true. Because sometimes when I am on the floor playing with Zoey all I can think about is getting the dishes done or that the laundry needs to be changed. It is a paradox because I'd rather do anything but clean, but it is usually what is on my mind.

I'm working on this. I'm very happy to say that I am much better about this than I was even two weeks ago. I have a hard time focusing on what I'm doing right now because I'm thinking about what else needs to be done. Thus, lists are my friends! (We talked about lists on Day 6.) It is amazing because I don't worry about it so much because I have a reminder and a statement that it will be done next.

Zoey is much happier too I think. Since we have been off of our routine for a week in a half (in FL and then with Stephen's family in NC), this week has been all about getting the house and ourselves back into order. Today is Friday and I am happy to say that has been accomplished! Zoey is back to her happy self and the house looks as good (or as bad depending how you look at it) as it normally does.

Today's Mary challenge is about making a lesson plan to teach your children the value of cleaning. I'm not going to do that. 1. Because I am lazy but more importantly 2. Because Zoey is not even 2 and won't understand a lesson plan. I get Zoey involved with everything I do to some degree. At this stage, I teach her by example. I also take the time to explain what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. (She doesn't always comprehend that, but I think she understands more than I can imagine.)

Zoey liking the whisk after helping me make brownies, yum!

Zoey loves to cook. Yesterday, I was chopping veggies for a Vegetarian Lasagna (link from the last time we cooked it). Zoey wanted to help. Instead of shooing her away from the cutting board, I gave her her own cutting board, a butter knife and mushrooms to chop. I told her how Mommy had to use this knife because it was really sharp, but that she could be a big help by cutting the mushrooms with Zoey's knife. She was happy with this and did really well with it. I showed her how to cut in lines and everything. This is just one example of how we work together. It would be easier to tell her to go play, but in the long run it will help us both for her to learn. Besides, I don't want to ever squash her ambition to help because in not too long from now I'm going to ask her to help and I want to keep that willing attitude for as long as I can.

So, yes, I'd rather do anything but clean. However, cleaning is part of life, especially the life of a homemaker. So I try to make it fun and do things in small spurts so it doesn't get overwhelming. Some days are better than others, but it all gets done. And most importantly, I spend quality time with my Zoey-bug!

*Note: The challenge is associated with Joyful Mothering from the book 31 Days to Clean by Sarah Mae.

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