Thursday, March 21, 2013

Joy in Serving

Galatians 6:10 -- "Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith."

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There is great joy in serving others. I believe God does not want us to be spectators in this life, but to actively love on others and share the joy of the light of God. By helping others, even with small acts of kindness, we can change the world. By putting others in front of our own comforts and wants we prove there is hope left in this world in the name of Jesus, that there is more than just darkness and sin left in this world. There is light, there is joy and there is peace, even among the struggles. God gives us that gift. He fills our hearts with joy when we willingly serve others.

God has a plan. God doesn't need us to fulfill his plan, that will happen no matter which side we choose. However, He wants us to be a part of what He is doing. He wants us to love him and trust him enough to walk confidently in the light of Jesus. Opportunities to help others are all around us, in big and small ways. It isn't about giving money or time or possessions (though those are some ways to help), it is about the heart. By being willing to put others before ourselves, to put God's kingdom work above our own selfish desires, we can be a part of what God is doing. We can be a light, a message of salvation, to a world destined for destruction.

Dear Lord,
Help me to have a servant's heart that is willing to put others in front of myself. Help me to find the joy and peace that you offer no matter what trials we face. Help me to trust in your plan and be a part of what you are doing.

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