Tuesday, July 16, 2013

God Gives Rest

Psalm 127:2 -- "It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones."

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It is so easy to get lost in the routine of the everyday. You wake up, go to school or work, come home tired and eventually go to bed to do it all again tomorrow. But what about those moments in between? What about the relationship? What about rest?

The product of all that busyness is just exhaustion, stress and sorrow. God wants more than this for you. God wants to give you rest -- He wants you to find joy.

When we move our focus from the endless to-do lists and busy schedules to our relationship with our neighbors, family and God, our sorrows will turn into joy. By being kind and listening to our neighbors, by spending meaningful time with our family and by slowing down and spending quiet time with God, all the noise softens, we can enjoy rest and we can find joy.

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