Saturday, January 19, 2013

Jesus Covers Our Sins

Proverbs 15: 29 -- “The Lord is far from the wicked, but he hears the prayers of the righteous.”

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Our biggest problem on this world in sin. It is the root of all misery, discomfort and evil. Sin is what separates us from God. That is what drives loneliness, bitterness and depression. Those who live in sin are considered wicked by God. He cannot hear the prayers of the wicked because He is Holy -- absent of sin. Sin cannot touch God, so when we have sin in our lives neither can we.

However, God gave us hope! Jesus is our way to God. Jesus provides a filter or a bridge to allow us to touch God, even though as humans we are inevitably covered with Sin. When we go to Jesus, he covers us with His pure sacrificial blood and allows God to hear our prayers.

When we humble ourselves and reach out to Jesus, asking repentance for our sins, we become righteous. God can then hear our prayers and make us whole.

Dear Lord,
I am a sinner, but I come to you now humble at the feet of Jesus. Cover me with your blood so that I may be righteous and that God may hear my prayers.

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